“I expect great things from God” has been a declaration I’ve been shy to project. I want to believe that God has got great things for me, and in the long run that can be easy to cheer for: “One day God will use me to heal someone”, “One day God will help me get my dream house”, “One day I will achieve my career-goals!”
These are all true, but how much of this do I see as an unreachable goal, and how much of this do I expect?
Yes, I think it’s important to celebrate milestones, achievements and ‘kicked goals’. But I never want to become ignorant to the importance of dreaming and imagining and expecting more from God. We’ve got to widen our perspectives, take a birds-eye view, dream BIG. In my life, I want to constantly check that I’m dreaming big in two areas:
I want to dream bit for my today
This week I was reminded. Everything I do, I do as an offering to God. That means, every time I pick someone up for youth, every time I meet someone new, every time I’m talking with the checkout chick, every time I get to pray with a friend - I’m doing this because I want to serve God! That changes the way I see everything.
Have you ever had someone point out something to you that you’ve never noticed before, and now you can’t stop noticing it? When someone points out that you walk funny, or say a word wrong or play with your hair when you get nervous, you become very aware of what you’re doing.
I had this same reaction this week. If I’m doing all of this, my every day, my whole life as an offering to God, how seriously am I taking every opportunity that I get? Jesus saves us and ‘brands’ us with purpose, with passion and with power. We ought to take this seriously and we ought to be bold.
This thought has challenged me. If God’s wanted to heal someone sick today, “could you use me to do it?” If God wanted to encourage someone today, “Would you just use me!” If God wanted to restore someone’s family today, “I don’t know how, but can I be a part of that!”
It is big but no scary thing. In Romans it says that the same power that conquered the grave, LIVES IN ME! So why not? I’ve got to dream big for my life and ask the question, “What could God do through me today?” It may take little faith steps at a time, but if we were to get in the habit of opening our eyes to the possibilities in front of us, imagine the stories we could tell of His great faithfulness over time. Our impact will be larger and our future bigger because we will learn to expect great things from God in our today—everyday.
I want to dream big for my future
God’s plans are to prosper us. He promises that to us in the Bible. How consistent and active am I with my dreams for my future? Do I stop dreaming because I feel too insignificant? Do I limit my imagination because it means I’ll have to take action? How big do I really believe I can dream?
I completely believe that God gives us the ability to dream and discover all the incredible things He has for us. To expect great things for my future is not a selfish reaction, but in fact a faith-filled response to His grace. I know I’m not a great theologian, the most famous musician, a successful architect or the best producer, but that’s the best part about dreaming. Isn’t that the image of grace? I’m so undeserving, so insignificant, so impure and broken – yet grace stepped in.
I can declare confidently that I am loved, I am significant, I am washed clean, I am made new! Why? Because of Jesus. His grace for us doesn’t stop at sin, but his grace for us is for our whole lives, that we would live life and life abundantly, to give us a future and a hope.
The next step is tricky. I have a great dream, I believe I’m called to more, but do I expect it to happen? As diligently as we should be with getting rid of the mind-set of ‘I’m not worthy for a big dream’, we ought to get rid of, ‘maybe God doesn’t want it to happen.’
God is bigger than our doubts, bigger than our obstacles and way more faithful, loving and generous than we are in our best and most fruitful moments. How small-minded of us to even consider that God doesn’t have the best for me or won’t come through with his promises.
What dreams have I let die?
What dreams have I been leaving silent?
What mind-set am I allowing to rule God’s ability?
Earlier I mentioned “I expect great things from God” is a declaration I’ve struggled with, but I’ve decided it’s a declaration I’m committing to. I want to believe that God could use me every day, I want to believe that God could do big and great things through me, so I will not just believe it, but expect great things from God.
Rochelle Ross lives on the Sunshine Coast, Australia. She loves people, the moon, dirty food and Jesus and is very passionate about seeing young people know the love of God. She works as a Plastering Assistant during the week and a Personal Assistant to Calvary’s youth pastors and is eager to learn, love and share people’s stories and her own life lessons.

Rochelle Ross lives on the Sunshine Coast, Australia. She loves people, the moon, dirty food and Jesus and is very passionate about seeing young people know God. She loves a great story and one day wants to write about people’s lives and achievements.