These are four pretty powerful words and perhaps one of the greatest statements of faith we can have. ‘I have had enough’ or ‘I am not settling for this any longer’.
Ever noticed that before any significant shift in your life you have gotten to a place where you come to the realisation you’ve had enough? Where you finally admit that you won’t settle for this any longer? It is one of the greatest catalysts for change.
My husband often says, “in life we don’t get what we believe for, well we could or at least should but more often than not we get what we settle for.” So, what is it that we are settling for?
An okay marriage? An all right relationship with our kids? A pretty average fitness level or lack thereof? Constant pain? A toxic work culture? Living from paycheck to paycheck?
So, why do we?
Why do we settle and put up with stuff our friends tell us they wouldn’t? Because it’s comfortable? Because it’s familiar? Because of the fear of the unknown?
How do we press forward?
Sometimes God will literally use a shoehorn to get you out of that comfy mindset or place.
Then other times that comfortable nest where you were placed with all your thoughts, feelings and emotions starts becoming increasingly uncomfortable.
Then for some you wake up one day and seem to find the courage to make a gentle yet significant, bold decision. It may be as simple and straightforward as getting a second doctor’s opinion.
Or perhaps you are just out-right frustrated. But that feeling of frustration is actually to motivate you to stop accepting things as they are and propel you forward. To move you from where you are right now to where you deep down want to be. For example, to enrol in that parenting course, that marriage course you have been thinking of, attending church again.
Most often, pressing forward is a daily decision.
What area of life is causing frustration?
Change often happens by somebody making a bold decision. My sister and brother-in-law were frustrated by the fact that an overseas hospital didn’t have clean water - which can be especially detrimental for newborns, so they began doing something about it.
What is it that propels you forward?
“I believe, help me with my unbelief.” Mark chapter 9, verse 24.
Is it belief that things will improve? That they will get better?
‘Help me with my unbelief’ is a powerful prayer we can pray each day.
Because why settle one moment longer for less than God’s best for your life?

Elise Pappas is a Pastor and together with her husband pastor a church on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. They have a son, Jonathan and a daughter, Sophie. Elise is a former clinical drug trial research coordinator and business owner. She writes about life and ministry experiences.