How to identify destiny helpers
Throughout our lifetimes we all find ourselves needing social ties, human connection and community. For some of us, we find that this need is primarily satisfied by our community of faith or church. For others, it’s family and or friends. Still for others this need may be met by our work colleagues.
Today I would like us to consider for a moment another type of connection that I believe has the potential to surpass the platonic and familial bonds we share with many.
The term “destiny helper” is one that I became aware of perhaps 5 years ago and upon first hearing it, didn’t pay too much attention to what it really means. If it is the first time, you’re hearing the phrase I can provide a basic definition for you. Essentially, a ‘destiny helper’ is someone you meet in life who comes alongside you to partner with you in your journey to fulfil your purpose.
Destiny helpers vary in how we meet them, who they are can range a diverse plethora of personalities and demeanors and the role(s) they will play in our respective lives varies vastly one from the other.
To understand this, we must first begin with the premise that every single human being was born with purpose. In Psalm chapter 24 verse 1 we are told that ‘the earth is the Lord’s and everyone in it.’
A careful examination of scripture reveals that God doesn’t make anyone or anything, without a clearly defined purpose and plan which ultimately results in His greater glory.
With that said, every one of us has a distinct God-purpose that we have to seek God to find, and one which, (hopefully), you are already on a journey to finding out. Now having a purpose is a given, fulfilling that purpose is a choice. Jesus, the son of God lives, walking upon the earth for 33 years and during that time, even He had destiny helpers.
We see His disciples throughout the gospels assisting Him with ministry and they were even a part of His assignment as He had to teach them many things to equip them for ministry. Besides His disciples we meet characters like John the Baptist and others who play critical roles in Jesus’ journey to the cross.
Once we accept that we are all created intentionally and with purpose, the question now becomes “who are my destiny helpers and how do I identify them?”. You may have friends, family and other associates that you love and cherish and who you believe love you and enjoy being a part of your life, but the mere proximity or depth of the connection or bond between yourself and other individuals isn’t enough to make them destiny helpers.
Destiny helpers are created by God with the specific purpose of partnering with you to fulfil your purpose. They may have other missions that God has for them to accomplish, but a major part of their life purpose will inevitably be to help you fulfil yours. So, we love family and friends, but the nature of the role that a destiny helper is to play in your life is very distinct and unique.
Sometimes, relatives or close friends may be destiny helpers depending on God’s plan for you. I would just like to caution you dear reader not to assume that just because you have a close or even supportive family or circle of friends that they are necessarily your destiny helpers.
So, the criteria for identification as a destiny helper is established by God and can typically be found by asking oneself the following questions:
1. What is my purpose?
2. How do I know this is my purpose?
3. What is the character of this individual or these individuals?
4. Do they Love, fear and live for the Lord?
5. Do they know my purpose?
6. Do they seek God to hear from Him concerning my purpose and direction?
7. Is God communicating to them concerning my purpose and life in order to enable them to access me and assist me?
These questions do not represent a comprehensive list but merely a starting point from which to begin the process of inquiry into one’s destiny helper(s).
I promise you that if you apply this test to some of the persons you may conceive as your destiny helpers, some will not make the cut. You will be forced to recognize that some persons that you identify as the critical guides to your destiny are there merely by familiarity or love rather than by God’s divine selection.
We must satisfy ourselves that the people we surround ourselves with as we pursue purpose are hand-picked by God for that role and that is the most important thing.
I direct our attention to stories in the Bible such as that of David and his close friend Jonathan. Jonathan was the son of king Saul, and he played an important role in David’s fugitive years on the run from king Saul and his subsequent ascendence to the throne. Purpose partners present in a variety of packages.
You may, like me, be very independently minded and that can be a strength in certain circumstances. However, do not ever be so independent that you try to be independent of God and His servants in your life. Begin to pray today into your purpose and ask God to reveal to you who the people are that He has appointed to be your destiny helpers.
Once you identify who they are, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into how to cultivate the healthy relationships that give them access to you to help you and vice versa. You will never fulfill the great commission or your own unique great purpose entirely alone. Paul has his destiny helpers, where are yours?
“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes chapter 4, verse 12)

Victor Brown is a Christian Creative and singer-songwriter from Kingston Jamaica. He enjoys reading and writing as well as creating music. He is currently a worship leader and creative director in Michigan USA.