Imani Brooks-Wheeler will directly accountable to LWFCI's International Public Relations Chairwoman – Kimberly Parker during the ministry 8th mission during the Olympics. 'Bridging the Gap 20-12 UK Outreach' will allow LWFCI to share Jesus Christ with the world.
The throngs of accredited & unaccredited media will allow incredible opportunities for our God-sent '7' 2012 Assistant International Media Directors empowered by the Holy Spirit to articulate 'what we are about' - thus multiplying our every effort 'solely for God's Glory!
Imani Brooks-Wheeler: Imani's hindsight reveals a DNA immersed in the faith and bathed in the precious prayers of ancestors who fervently walked the talk in their commitment to their Lord….
It was evident to everyone that the Lord had His hand on Imani from an early age…When the family placed her in Bethel Christian Academy, she was immersed in the Word of God & during a Chapel Service she gave her life to Christ and began a personal relationship at 11 years of age!... She discovered and creatively tapped into a hidden passion for Spanish culture and language. When Imani was 16 years-old, the Rotary Club of Wake Forest, North Carolina selected her as an exchange student to Barcelona, Spain. During the international excursion, she submitted to the God-given burden that she felt for the beautiful & diverse Latin American culture....
The calling upon her life to Imani was confirmed as she received a message from God that spoke directly to 'the calling on her life' at a conference in Fayetteville, North Carolina. The minister upon completion of the message called her the front of the room – and said: "You have the heart of God. You have been called to speak His Word and He will take you places that you never could have imagined. When you speak, people are going to have to listen to what you will say."
Entering college at Hampton University, Imani began to flourish in her confidence regarding the calling upon her life. She was chosen to lead Bible studies & in her sophomore year became vice-president of the Student Christian Association. Imani's faith & confidence grew – she became an award-winning on-air announcer on the campus radio station.
Voted #1 college station in the nation, WHOV 88.1FM Imani demonstrated her extensive knowledge in Gospel Music.... She was constantly solicited to introduce gospel celebrities and to represent the radio station at high-profile appearances....
Imani's years at Hampton University were among the most fulfilling times of her life....Upon graduation – she began working for the nation's largest multi-cultural advertising agency, Imani began to pursue ministry in a deeper capacity. She served as a leader in the media ministry and a mentor to various youth at Power Center Church International. Moreover she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Today she is connected to a progressive ministry in the outskirts of Dallas while currently serving as a chaplain at one of the top paediatric hospitals in the nation while also running her media company, Master Plan Enterprises. ...Her myriad of gifts has placed her before influential leaders across the country. However, she ultimately lives to please an audience of one. ...'We bless God for divinely orchestrating Imani Brooks-Wheeler our way!" said Dr Sam Mings.
For more information, visit www.lwfci.com