A few weeks ago on my flight home from Sydney, I was looking out the window at the view of the city below. I watched as the people, the city, the roads and of course the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge became smaller and more insignificant to my human eyes.
These are famous world icons, architecture, things you can see on a postcard and instantly know what it is and where it is from. As I watched them grow smaller it had me thinking, how is God so big, can hold the world in his mighty hands, and yet know every single detail about us, thought we have, and hair on our heads?
On land these icons are much bigger than us, but as we drifted higher above the clouds, they became a speck on a large mass of land. I watched as people, attending to their daily duties, disappeared. Everything suddenly became so small, they didn't seem to matter much anymore. How can God be so involved in each one of our lives when there are millions of people living on this earth too? I was entranced by how God must see the world and what he thinks when he looks down on us.
When I was a little girl, I remember being told that when I do something good, as if I were doing it for God, he smiles down at me and says "that's my little girl". But looking out the plane window I kept thinking, how does he see me amongst everything else? What makes me so special?
I am his voice
God is everywhere. Yes, I may seem small to the world, insignificant even, but to God I am his dream turned into reality. I am his voice to the world. I am his creation. It doesn't matter if no one sees me, or the good I do, God sees me and nothing I do gets past God without recognition. 'For we live by faith, not by sight.' (2 Corinthians chapter 5, verse 7).
We are a reflection of God in our day to day lives, in the small as well as the big. In 2 Corinthians chapter 2, verse 15, it says 'For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.' We are the vessels for God to speak through.
I look at this with admiration. God stands with the world in his hands, as he looks down on us with a fatherly love in his eyes and heart, and guides us through each day. He sees each and every one of us equally. Each of our problems, our heartaches, our happy times, he is there for every one of them. Laughing with us, smiling with us, caring for us when we are sad or troubled, watching us interact with each other. It hurts him to see such darkness in the world, but when I look up and see him, no darkness can come between him and me.
Perspective change
Looking down at everything so small, God sees all. God is with all. He sees us and knows us, better than we know ourselves. Amongst billions of people, he loves me. How mind blowing is this. Among everything else, beyond my troubles, he loves me.
Just like a father cares for all his children, God too cares for us. Sydney is just a place, the Opera House is just a building, and I am just a person living among it all. But to God, I am his daughter. Daughter of the King most high. Each of us are a part of his mighty plan to bring hope, peace, love, joy, and the good news.

Hold onto the insignificance you feel, for it makes our eyes bigger, our hearts wider, and our minds more determined to cover the land with his love.
Cartia Moore is a connoisseur of fine chocolate and a sword fighter, trained and skilled in the art of fencing. She is currently studying a bachelor of arts majoring in drama. Her focus is film, television and swordfighting sequences. She hopes to graduate and form her own drama and acting school.
Cartia Moore's previous articles may be viewed at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/cartia-moore.html