"We have already released the iPhone app which is available in the iTunes store," said SU's David De Mers. "Now more people can access the app on their iPads and Android operated smartphones and tablets," he added. (Search for E100 in the iPad app store or e100 in Android)
The E100 Bible Reading Challenge features 100 carefully selected Bible readings designed to give Christians a good understanding of the entire Biblical story from Genesis to Revelation.
"The E100 Challenge was created by Scripture Union in the United States and has been in print form for a couple of years," David said. "Around the world, thousands of churches and hundreds of thousands of Christians have taken the challenge, reading all 100 passages over a three month period," he said.
In Australia, most Christians own a Bible but only 39 percent will read it one or more times a week and only 20 percent of Christians read the Bible on a daily basis. The E100 Bible Reading Challenge seeks to counter this trend and help churches, pastors and individual Christians get back into the habit of daily Scripture reading.
"The E100 Challenge has been available in Australia through Scripture Union since late 2010 and so far, scores of churches have run the program, and thousands of individuals have already completed the challenge" David said.
"The program works because it is a personal challenge designed to develop a daily Bible reading habit, it can be done in community as a church, it is flexible, and it is complete," he said.
The E100 Challenge program consists of 100 readings (50 from the Old Testament and 50 from the New Testament). Currently available in printed format are: Essential 100 - the companion book containing short, engaging notes for each day and the Reading Planner with a punch out card designed to keep track of your progress. A Discussion Guide for small group use is also available. In addition there are sermon outlines for Pastors who want to preach on the E100 Bible Reading Challenge readings each week.
"The apps are based on the original print version but are completely self-contained which means individuals can read the Bible passages and the E100 notes anywhere," David said.
"We have already had just under 2,000 downloads of the iPhone app. The iPad and the Android apps will significantly increase this number," he said.
In recent times Scripture Union has recognised the need for something new and fresh to appeal to younger generations using digital technologies, and is excited to be able to promote daily Bible reading in a way that is relevant and appealing.
More information on the E100 program is available at: e100challenge.com.au (where you can register for the program) or join the conversation on the E100 Challenge (Australia) Facebook page.