This topic became of interest to me as I drove to work one day. While I was driving at the speed limit, the cars passing me obviously were not. The question that formed in my mind was "is my speedo broken or are they breaking the set speed law?"
The follow up question to this first one was "if speeding is breaking the law is it also sin?"
It takes a very quick google search to uncover God's stance on this topic. Speeding may not have been an issue when the bible was written but God is very clear that breaking the law (including speed zones) of the authorities is sin.
"Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves." Romans 13 verses 1-14
"Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right. For such is the will of God…" 1 Peter 2 verses 13-15
Another quick google search does not reveal any opposing verses to this stance, although there are a few examples given of people who have righteously disobeyed the law e.g. the midwives who lied to Pharaoh in Egypt and Rahab who had hidden Israelite spies.
A perennial question faced every day
If any one of us have reached this far and any one of us are a speeder, my suggestion is to repent before God (and others if you feel it is necessary) and change driving habits (it would be a lie to say I have never-ever gone over the speed limit). This may mean any one of us need to leave home earlier to be on time, or arrive late at functions. In my view, fearing God above - the reasons - we may have for speeding and ask Him for help.
If you are someone who does not speed I would like to say thank you for being obedient to God and please continue to drive in accordance with the law.
Whatever our driving habits I do believe there is grace for us when we overstep the limit accidentally or in emergency situations, because Jesus was definitely not a legalist. Our motivation behind driving to the limit should always be our love for God, not on avoiding speeding fines or proving more 'righteous' than others.
Driving to the speed limit still proves difficult for me in some situations, especially at road works when there is no work being done or when the cars are backed up behind me because I am driving 'slow'. Another question: Was it a sin for the road works personnel to forget to take down the speed restriction signs?
The call upon us as Christians is obedience to the authorities around us and this topic of speeding (or neglecting to remove the speed restriction signs) are one or two examples of a need to obey those God has appointed into government. These common laws just might be for our 'common good' as well!
I am the first to say I need to constantly consider my driving habits and along with the seemingly endless other 'laws of the land' any one of us may struggle with. I am here attempting to approach these specific speed laws from a biblical stance.
Tim Wilson is married with two children who served with YWAM for five years in Brisbane and now serving in mission in Canada.
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