The aim of the campaign is to raise the profile of Jesus and the Christian faith. Though developed by the Bible Society NSW, the JAAL campaign would be organised by churches from different denominations in Sydney working together to proclaim the message of Christ.
The campaign is intended to run for six weeks during August and September 2009 where the local committee would raise fund to purchase prime-time media advertising to screen the advertisement.
Reverend Daniel Willis, the CEO of Bible Society NSW, said in a post-modern society the JAAL had proven itself to be a good evangelistic tool to distribute the Bible as evident in the successful launch of the campaign in three locations throughout Australia.
"Bible Society NSW, one of the oldest not-for-profit and Christian organisations in NSW, has been behind the development of the project since 2003," said Reverend Willis. "We were founded in 1817 and ever since, we have had a passion for the distribution of the Bible."
"However in a post-modern society, we need to use new methods to encourage people to engage with what the Bible says and the Jesus. All about life campaign has proven itself already in Adelaide, Canberra and Tasmania."
Other denominational support has come from the Baptist Churches of NSW, Churches of Christ, Hillsong, the Salvation Army, the Presbyterian Church and Congregational Churches and Wesley Mission, Sydney.