Rev. Kok is the immediate past President of the Malaysian Baptist Convention and the current Vice President of the Asia-South Pacific Baptist Federation.
It comes as no surprise to find that John Kok holds such prestigious ecclesiastical positions, as he is a man of considerable accomplishment, speaks several languages and has a heart burning to see others come to their own faith in Christ.
"It was way back in 1976 that I became a Christian," John Kok explained. "I was reading an evangelistic Gospel tract, and through the words of that tract, the Holy Spirit spoke into my heart and I made a decision to follow Jesus."
He gained a clear understanding from the message of that tract that God loved him, and that Jesus Christ died for him personally, and John immediately accepted the Lord Jesus as his personal Saviour.
John Kok was the Malaysian delegate at the recent Baptist World Alliance Living Water Australasian-South Pacific conference held in Cairns where he gave a video testimony for Australian Missionary News IPTV.
"For three years I'd been working in my job and doing so very well. It was only that, I felt compelled by the Spirit of Christ to be called into full time ministry," John Kok told Mark Tronson of the Australian Missionary News IPTV. "This was January 1982."
But it was his mother's conversion to Christ that has been one of the great hallmarks of John Kok's life and ministry.
"The date was memorable in itself, September 11 2001, now known universally as '9/11', as my mother was watching the television and the Twin Towers disaster. In Malaysia, it was almost Sept 12 , which was my birthday," John Kok recalled. "My mother was shaken out of her complacency."
His mother asked his wife to help her to become a Christian. John Kok's wife then led her mother-in-law in the sinner's prayer, and his mother accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour.
"My wife rang me and I came home immediately and I too went through the sinner's prayer with my mother," John Kok mused. "You need to realise we'd been praying for my mother for years and years and she was very stubborn and this was a tearful experience for me."
And three years later, that his mother, finally decided that she would like to be baptised and John Kok had the wonderful privilege of baptising his own mother and hearing her public testimony as a follower of Christ.