A Korean mission organization established with the aim of African mission will hold a mission conference next year with 400,000 expected to attend.
Christian Life World Mission Frontier, headquartered in Santa Clara, Calif., recently announced that it will open the "Korea-Africa Cultural Interchange Mission Conference" next year in 25 cities in Uganda and 15 cities in Tanzania.
With the theme, "We are the one under the wings of God," the July 17-30 conference will be held in the same format as the 2004 Africa Evangelization Grand Festival, which had around 10 programs, including native teacher training sessions, leadership seminars, and performances in 50 cities in Rwanda, Congo, Burundi, Tanzania, and Uganda.
The Korea-Africa Conference will offer evangelizing workshops, seminars for pastors, women leaders, and youth, father schools, various athletic events, praise meetings, musicals, and a time for the exchange of traditional music.
The host organization is expecting that the conference will be a huge mission event with 400,000 attendants if the conference draws 100,000 people from each city.
In addition, World Mission Frontier is in discussion with Uganda and Tanzania about announcing “The Week of Korea” in Uganda on July 17-23 and in Tanzania on July 24-30. World Mission Frontier is currently preparing to submit a bill before the Uganda congress and has also been asked to send official documents to Tanzania.
The Minister of Agriculture & Forestry of South Korea, Young Jin Kim, also visited Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya from July 18 to Aug. 3 to prepare for the event. He had breakfast prayer meetings with congressmen and consulted on the event with ministers and church leaders in each country.
Before the opening of the mission conference, World Mission Frontier will have the "Central Africa Children Mission Conference" in Congo and Rwanda on July 1-8, 2006, and in Burundi on July 9-15 as national events. In addition, the organization will visit elementary, junior high, and high schools of 5 countries, including Uganda and Tanzania, and perform mission activities with the theme, "We are the children of God."
Also, World Mission Frontier said that it would host “The Night for Support” for next year's mission next month.
World Mission Frontier has continuously held evangelizing conferences in African countries on a nationwide scale, including the “2001 Rwanda National Evangelization Conference,” “2002 Rwanda National Child Mission Conference,” “2002 Central Africa Evangelization Conference,” “2003 Africa Women Healing Ministry Conference.” This year World Mission Frontier will open small seminars in Rwanda, Congo, Uganda, and Tanzania and organize spot ministry teams for the next year's events.
In the process of being formulated are the organizations' five year projects, including the establishment of Congo Pygmy town, mission centers in Rwanda, East African mission center in Uganda, theological seminaries in Sudan, Sudanese refugee mission, and Tanzania Victoria Lake mission.
Madison Y. Kim
Christian Today Correspondant