The lessons in the book are from the story of Joseph in Genesis. It teaches children that lying leads to trouble and hurts others.
"Lenny" is a bouncy, proud and lying Lemur who tries to impress everyone with his "fibs". "Lenny" has never known a real friend until he is washed up on Lighthouse Beach. "Lenny" learns that lying leads to trouble and hurts other. He finds out with the help of his new friends "Byron" and "Francy", that to be "truly magnificent" you must tell the truth!
The author, Mrs Jen Anderson, describes herself as a "Christian wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, employee and now author".
During the launch, Mrs Anderson explained: "As a young child and the daughter of an alcoholic, I knew what it was like to live with someone who lied. Alcoholics are known for it! I was afraid of my Dad and after he left when I was only 11 years old, my fear changed to what it was going to be like to grow up without a Dad."
At the age of 13 years, life changed for her when at Teen Ranch she gave her life to the Lord.
"Children's Ministry is my passion and I love to talk to children about Jesus, my faith and trust in God. I have been an active member of Menai Anglican Church for the past 10 years. My favourite thing to do is to spend time with my family, husband Tim and my two girls Courtney (12) and Katelyn (10).
"Over the past 20 years of working in various Kids' Ministries I have had an ever growing awareness of how difficult it can be to find practical and fun Bible-based stories that provide an understandable and practical application of the Bible especially for younger children.
"After finishing as a Sunday School teacher in July 2007, the development of some material to satisfy this need became my goal and God has been opening doors ever since.
"It is this journey that prompted me to look at developing this series of fun and interactive stories and kids' spots talks for churches that help build godly character in kids and win kids for Christ."
Major Anderson reinforced and supported the message conveyed in the book, "Lenny the Lying Lemur". He encouraged those present to be wary of telling even "white lies" and the need to be truthful at all times.
The Hon Danna Vale MP presented the prizes for the winners of the colouring-in competitions, carried out in conjunction with the book launch.