The first purpose of 04theCity is to give thanks to God, for He has touched thousands of lives and transformed communities in Wales over the past 100 years. Churches in Wales have also expressed their desire to take the opportunity to be witness to the whole world that the Welsh Revival is the foundation from which God touched their country.
More importantly, rather than just looking back to the past, 04theCity provides a platform where all Churches in Wales can come together to demonstrate that the God of the revival of 1904 is still the same God today. In the midst of declining churches nowadays, 04theCity aims to proclaim the love of God to the people of Cardiff and make major spiritual and social impact in Wales through various evangelistic efforts as well as social projects.
An honourable guest speaker, Luis Palau, whose 40-year ministry has established him as one of the world’s most effective Christian communicators, is invited to present on the 3-days celebration. After the last remarkable festival held from 4-9 October in Lima, Peru, which drew over 300,000 attendants, Luis Palau commented, “It is going to be one of the privileges of my life and I’m extremely pleased to be involved.”
The schedule of 04theCity is as follows:
- Friday 29th October
Ignite the CIA Youth Celebration
Time: 19:30 (GMT)
- A youth event featuring music from the Tribe and Yfriday. Speakers will include Andy Hawthorne of the Message Trust, along with Luis Palau.
- Saturday 30th October
Revive- Life in the 21st Century
Time: 19: 30 (GMT)
- An evangelistic meeting with preacher Luis Palau and music from Nia and Mal Pope, and performances by actor Rob Lacey, author of the Street Bible.
- Sunday 31st October
Welsh Revival Centenary Celebration
Time: 18: 30 (GMT)
- A night of celebration marking 100 years exactly to the day that this move of God first began in Wales. The main speaker will be author and preacher Selwyn Hughes, the founder of the Crusade for World Revival which aims to make the message of revival known around the world. His family were greatly affected by the 1904 Welsh revival and in turn influenced the course of his life.
04theCity is a very important event for Wales as the 1904 Welsh Revival made an unprecedented impact on the country, hopefully the miracle will be revealed once again today. Since 1904, crime levels plummeted and courts were closed because there were no cases to hear; families were reunited and marriages were restored; epidemic levels of drunkenness and violence in towns were dramatically reduced; prayer meetings broke out on street corners, in mines, in police stations and on rugby pitches; and more than 100,000 people became Christians within a year.
The event will be broadcast live this weekend by UCB TV. Ian Mackie, UCB’s Chief Executive, commented, “God visited Wales in His power 100 years ago and the prayers of our people are that He will visit again and pour out His righteousness and holiness across our nations to this generation.” 5,000 people are expected to join the event.
A set of DVD’s on the entire 04theCity weekend of events will also be produced by UCB TV and will be soon available through UCB Direct.