Project Compassion is Australia's largest annual aid and development fundraiser, and this year focused on the progress and challenges of the Millennium Development Goals, a 15-year global pact to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger by 2015.
Senior Casimir students, Yeesan Chow and Suraj Gangaram, yesterday presented a cheque for $14,500 to Mrs Bourke and Bishop Brady at a school assembly attended by Mayor Iskandar, representatives of Sydney's Catholic Education Office, former Casimir pupils and friends of the college.
Speaking at yesterday's assembly Casimir's Brother John Mitchell said since 1997 the college has contributed over $146,000 to the annual development appeal: "Casimir Catholic College has a very proud tradition of giving. Each year our students, their families and their friends contribute all that they can to help Caritas Australia enrich the lives of those less fortunate than themselves.
"We don't dwell on the grim facts or confronting statistics, instead our students learn about the impact their giving will have. They learn about the challenges of development but focus on the potential to inspire and support positive change."
Caritas Australia's Mrs Bourke yesterday praised Casimir students for their generosity and reiterated Brother John's message of hope: "It's very easy to take our privileges for granted, privileges like water, education and our health, but as we've seen today it's just as easy to harness our privileges to empower others and contribute to lasting change.
"On behalf of Caritas I extend my congratulations and sincere thanks to the entire Casimir College community for their remarkable display of generosity. Project Compassion is all about enabling local participation in the global effort to eradicate extreme poverty, young people are a crucial part of the global solution so I'm encouraged to see the leaders of tomorrow in Marrickville so committed to the campaign."
Whilst the global community is on track to eradicate extreme poverty by 2015, Caritas Australia hope this year's Project Compassion will build the support necessary to realise the eight Millennium Development Goals both within Australia and globally.
Money raised from Project Compassion 2010 will support Caritas Australia's work in the poorest parts of the world and provide health, education, water and sustainable agriculture in communities that need it most. Raising over $8.7 million in 2009, Caritas Australia hopes to exceed expectations and reach $10 million with this year's appeal.