I find myself thinking, writing and preaching a lot about the role of the church in the world. It seems that much of the church falsely think themselves to be on a cruise ship, rather than the glaringly obvious biblical reality that we were actually made for war.
This battleship, the church, is tasked explicitly with overcoming the seat of demonic powers. In Jesus’ first introduction of the church he speaks of it in two terms, building and warfare. He said in Matthew chapter 16 verse 18 “Upon this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it”. The clear message is that we must grow and we must fight valiantly. The verse that follows then highlights that we are given extremely high authority which comes with responsibility: the keys to the kingdom of heaven.
With whom are we at war?
Ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 clearly teaches that we are in an all our wrestling match, not with persons with bodies, but rather persons without bodies (Rev. Derrick Prince’s definition of a demon) in a complex organisational structure of demonic powers in high places; in the unseen realm. The reality and the extent of this continuous wrestling match in which we live cannot be overstated. C.S. Lewis’ amazing book, Screwtape Letters, gives only a sneak peak into the vast array of seemingly benign situations which are part of the enemy’s cunning and systematic assault on believers and unbelievers alike.
Delusional living
My intention here is not that we see demons behind every toaster, being paranoid and stricken with fear. On the contrary, we must be conscious of the realities of the spiritual forces with which we are at war. Too many believers are busy sipping tea in the middle of a war zone where bullets are flying and bombs are exploding. This delusional, tone deaf and lazy kind of living has gripped the western church with such veracity that any mention of demons and the spirit realm is often treated as strange and creepy talk. I am convinced that to live this politically correct life devoid of spiritual truth and reality is to surrender territory and authority to the devil.
The devil’s scheme
The enemy’s goal is to cloud our vision and our thinking, in an effort to dull our efforts to destroy his strategies and kingdom. Interestingly, the concept of being outwitted by the enemy and the communication of the expectation that we are aware of the devil’s schemes is seen in the context of a discussion on the importance of forgiveness in 2nd Corinthians 2 verse 11. Rev. Derrick Prince, known the world over for his simple and powerful take on deliverance ministry, notes that unforgiveness and objects linked to the occult world significantly block persons from being free from the oppression of demonic forces. The sooner we start to recognize the intricate linkages between the physical and spiritual world, is the sooner we have a chance at being effective in a sustainable and eternal way. We fix our eyes on what is unseen, for what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal (2Corinthians 4:18).
Practically Speaking
What does this look like in everyday life? It looks like exercising care with respect to what our children are allowed to watch on television. Satanic content has dramatically increased in cartoons and children’s material. With the recent passing of the month of June, celebrated by those blinded by the enemy, as Pride Month; the American embassies were encouraged by the heads of their government to fly the rainbow LGBT+ flag globally. Apart from the clear breaches in articles 3(1e), 20 and 41 of the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations; there is a major spiritual dimension to this flag. It represents a demonic agenda that must be opposed. And it isn’t sufficient to avoid doing or partaking in evil things, we must expose and refute them (Epehsians5:11, John16:8).
Rise up!
We are given power and authority to destroy the devil’s work, to demolish demonic arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the Lord and to overcome all the power of the enemy. As salt and light, we have a task to execute in the Earth. We join with you Lord, to destroy the devil’s work and stand for truth, righteousness, and justice. May we be found to be faithful!
*Many thanks to Rev. Derrick Prince Ministries for excellent teaching on the above subject matter that has greatly influenced my thinking*
Dr. Daniel Thomas is a medical doctor and Christian Advocate who loves the Lord deeply. He is married to Grace-ann Thomas the love of his life and currently leads a youth organization called the Love March Movement; which is committed to empowering the youth to fight for sexual purity and the family in Jamaica.