When her neighbor told her about Pastor Dhritiman Saxena, a Gospel for Asia-supported missionary who worked in her village, Eleni approached him and asked for prayer. When he prayed, Eleni was miraculously healed.
Eleni is one of the many in one region of South Asia seeing miracles performed in their lives. Through multiple GFA-supported pastors and missionaries serving in the state, countless people are coming to know the Lord after witnessing His mighty hand touch their lives.
A Blood Flow that Would Not Stop
Hetal Verma is one of those people. For many years, she had a disease that caused her to constantly bleed, and she became fragile and anemic. She took medicine prescribed by doctors to heal her, but her health did not improve.
Then Hetal heard about GFA-supported pastor Nigam Gupta's church and the many people there who received healing from Jesus Christ. So when church members invited her to attend their worship services, she readily agreed. When the service ended, Hetal went to the pastor and elders to ask for prayer for healing. She had little faith that the disease that plagued her life would be taken away, but once they began praying, her doubts were stilled because she discovered she had been completely healed.
It was the first time she had experienced such power in her life.
A Bedridden Son
Umang Bhatnagar also experienced God's great power when He healed her son from an illness that had kept him bedridden from the time he was only three months old. When the women of GFA-supported pastor Randhir Mehra's church saw Umang's child, they invited her to attend their women's fellowship meeting. While Umang was at the meeting, the Word of God touched her heart, and she asked the women to pray for her son.
The whole church got together the following day to fast and pray for the child's complete healing. When Umang saw her son's health improving, she praised the Lord and gave her life to Him.
Read more: http://www.gospelforasia.org.au/news/2010/news_040510.php