Have you ever been encouraging your friend to focus on Christ and depend on him and then catch yourself mid-sentence and wonder if you yourself follow your own advice? It’s always easier said than done. Yet it’s so important that we follow the godly principles, actions and attitudes commanded in the bible.
I often find myself preaching to a friend about the goodness of God yet have not thanked Him for His own goodness towards me; or I find myself writing a letter, stirring a friend on to continue in their good deeds for the Lord, yet often forget to acknowledge how God is working in my own life. The bible clearly states that we, as followers of Christ, should put his teachings into action.
“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.” (James chapter 1, verses 22-25).
So why is it hard to consistently and daily put the words of God into tangible gospel-centred deeds? After I’ve read from the bread of life, I am so satisfied by the beautiful words, imagery, stories and truth that gives life to my bones. Yet, all too often I move on to the next thing too quickly.
In this rushed moment I lose the truths learnt and when it comes to the days close, I wonder how I could have missed putting life changing words into practice. Deeds that bless God, bless others and bless my own soul and walk with Christ.
Therefore, I have been brainstorming ways in which I can put the words of God into practice. Here are three small practices I aim to incorporate in my everyday life to help me put God’s truth into mirroring actions. I hope they can help you as well.
“Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long. Your commands are always with me and make me wiser than my enemies. I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes.” (Psalm chapter 119, verses 97-99).
It’s clear that even the psalmist knew that meditating on the word of God leads to growing continually in wisdom. Imagine what would happen if we were doing what this verse said – meditating on God’s law “all day long”? Surely, we would remember his commands and fulfil them, his promises and be comforted in them and his principles and be changed in our heart by them.
Putting this practice of meditation is difficult especially in our fast-paced society. Therefore, I aim to meditate on a few verses a day that will lead me to living out what they say. So, next time you read a passage in the bible, take a few key verses that stand out to you and try to chew on them at intervals throughout the day and watch how they change your heart, thoughts, feelings and actions.
Alongside meditation, it is so important that we pray. In the Lord’s prayer we are instructed to ask for God to “lead us not into temptation”. (Matthew chapter 6, verse 13). God offers us an abundance of strength and help to put his words into action. Hebrews reminds us of this as it says, “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help on time of need.” (Hebrews chapter 4, verses 15-16).
As I was reading God’s word the other day, I prayed after and asked the Lord to help me put his words into practice. It is important that we meet him at the throne of grace and ask for his help in times when we feel weak to practice his words or depend on his comforting truths. When we are tempted to follow the way of this world, we must fall back on Jesus in prayer asking for His mighty strength that can help us do all things.
After reading a chapter of Matthew with my husband yesterday I asked him how he was going to put into practice what we had read. I got even more specific as I asked him how he was going to practice it the following day. He said he was going to practice being compassionate to others.
We had just finished reading Matthew 9, a chapter filled with God’s healing and displays of compassion by Jesus. I said that I would practice compassion to others as well. So far today, I have not needed to express compassion in a challenging way, but I have sought to pray for people as it is so hot in Sydney. Compassion lead me to pray.
I hope you can also continue to put God’s life-altering words into practice, so our lives will be a reflection of what he has done in our lives.
Renee Jenner resides in Sydney, Australia and is a recently qualified social worker who’s looking for a job! She is the first born of home-base missionary parents whose ministry has made a huge impression on her heart. She always writes from the soul to the soul, desiring to encourage readers to enjoy God, relax in His goodness and spread His love to the utmost parts of the earth. She loves a good cuppa with a deep, thoughtful conversation. You can find her other writings at renee.jenner.wordpress.com

Renee Jenner resides in Sydney, Australia and is a recently qualified social worker who has recently found a job! She is the first born of home-base missionary parents whose ministry has made a huge impression on her heart. She always writes from the soul to the soul, desiring to encourage readers to enjoy God, relax in His goodness and spread His love to the utmost parts of the earth. She loves a good cuppa with a deep, thoughtful conversation. You can find her other writings at renee.jenner.wordpress.com