As my toddler lay asleep today, I was overcome by the love I have for my little boy. I thought to myself, how is it possible to love a little human so deeply, unconditionally and completely? Of course there are times where he drives me crazy and tests my patience, but my love for him endures through these times.
My thoughts went to my own mum, who has helped us all week to pack, move, clean and look after my son. A woman who has given up a big part of her holiday to help me, all with a smile on her face saying, 'It's a joy, it's just so nice to spend time with you all.' A mother's love, I think to myself.
My heart aches for those who have not had a good relationship with their mother and I cannot understand how any mother could cause harm to her own flesh and blood. I can't help but think the majority of mothers love their children deeply and want the best for them.
Mothers of War
As we near ANZAC day, my thoughts go to the men and women who fought for our freedom and I am so very thankful for their sacrifice. Now, as a mother, my thoughts turn to the women who had to put on a brave face as they farewelled their precious child, not knowing if they would ever see them or hold them again. I cannot imagine the pain they felt, the breaking of their hearts and feelings of despair as their children, some who were barely 18, marched off to war.
I imagine women of faith, pressing into God and praying day and night for the safe return of their children. I cannot imagine how painful it would have been to receive news of a child's death.
Current Wars
Sadly, there are still wars raging today in different parts of the world, with men and women fighting and dying. There are children losing their father or mother, parents losing their son or daughter, families torn apart.
There are still mothers who put on a brave face, hoping and praying for the safety of their child. It can be easy to start feeling helpless, depressed and angry at the state of it all.
However, we cannot forget what a mighty God we have, who has an even deeper love for us, his children; a love so great, he knowingly, yet painfully, sacrificed his one and only son (John chapter 3, verse 16).
Heart of Gratitude
So this ANZAC day, as we stop to remember those who fought and gave their lives, I am especially grateful. Their sacrifice means I can raise my son in the beautiful country of Australia.
May we also think of, and raise a prayer for, those who are currently affected by conflict or war. My heart will also go out to the mothers who are hanging onto the hope of seeing their precious children again one day, hopefully, soon.
Jo Fuller is an early childhood teacher with degrees in journalism and education. She currently lives on the Sunshine Coast with her husband and toddler son.
Jo Fuller's archive of articles may be viewed at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/jo-fuller.html