“You are my Jehovah Jireh
My Jehovah Nissi
Jehovah Shalom,
You are my prince of peace
You are my Jehovah Rohi
Lord you are my shepherd
Thank you mighty God
For your blessings on me”
I wrote this chorus while sitting and reminiscing on the goodness of Yahweh in my life. God has proven to be true every step of the way. He has been my rock, my fortress and my shield. He has been carrying me just as he said he would. He is my peace, my protector and my provider.
In June, I began my third year of medical school. I am still in awe of God. What was once a dream is finally becoming a reality. As usual I started off the season with prayer, asking for God’s guidance, protection and favor. I knew that it was not going to be an easy season, I also knew that I was not alone.
I found myself having difficulties finding the money to pay my portion of the semester’s tuition (June 2021), so I called out to my ABBA father and made my requests known to him. I wrote down my prayer for a financial breakthrough in my prayer journal. I waited patiently for God to work something out on my behalf. Little by little I watched God move as he provided for my needs along the way.
The big breakthrough for the semester came one night before a mid semester exam I had in August (God’s perfect timing). I went to bed for a nap and woke up to an email informing me that a sum of money was paid to my account. The money was just enough to cover my portion of the semester’s expenses. My heart was full of Joy and my eyes filled with tears of gratitude.
I knew ABBA would work it out, but I did not know how and when he was going to do it. All praise, all glory and honor to the Lord most High, he worked all things together for my good.
He will do it again
Semester 2 begins in October 2021, and again I needed money to cover my portion of the tuition. I did what I do best, I prayed to God for assistance and wrote it down in my journal. The same day I prayed, I got a call that some money was sent, to assist with my semester’s fee. Just as I prayed, Jehovah Jireh sent an answer. It reminds me of Isaiah 64:24 “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.”
Jehovah Jireh answers prayer according to his will and his timing. Sometimes we get an immediate answer, sometimes we must wait and sometimes it just does not work out the way we want it. But one thing is for sure, once we are genuinely serving God, he will work all things out for our good. God is a God of his words, he will show up if we trust him.
Be encouraged today, trust and believe God to take care of you, he will. He said we should cast our cares upon him because he cares for us, he also invites us to come boldly before his throne in our time of need and he promises to supply all our needs according to his riches in glory.
God cares about us more than we could ever know, he has our best interest at heart.
Indeed, my Jehovah Jireh has been extremely good to me and for that I am grateful.

I am Victoria Richards, a fourth-year medical student at the University of the West Indies, Jamaica. Serving the Lord brings me joy. I enjoy sharing the gospel through singing, writing poetry and encouraging others.