I will begin at the very beginning, age 5, in the bushes of St. Catherine, Jamaica. Someone or something spoke the words (Go After God) to me one day while I played in the bushes. I thought it was my uncle who was playing with me, but all my calling and searching proved futile.
I didn’t find him. I was alone in the bushes. Who spoke those words to me? I didn’t know. It sounded like a male’s voice so that was why I thought it was my uncle. The voice sounded like it came from above, from below, from the air and even from the bushes. It was a little scary. However, as time went by, I didn’t think much of it.
Fast forward two years at age 7, I was at the top of a very rocky mountain in front of my home. For sure my uncle was with me this time. I saw a tree near the edge of the mountain. It looked green from the outside.
I leaned over to pick something and suddenly…..I began falling off the mountain, head first. I remembered screaming. I remembered my uncle also shouting. Then, suddenly, as I was falling to my death, I was standing back on the top of the mountain, right beside my uncle. Scared, heart racing, shaking and shocked at my wits end. I couldn’t explain what happened.
All I know is, one second I was falling and the next second I was standing on the mountain top.
Something or Someone Wanted me Dead
I cannot say who or what, but whatever it was, it wanted me dead. It seemed that incident at age 7was the start of a lifetime of near deaths experiences. So many I can hardly count. Fast-forward to my 20s, and I bought my first car. It was a Nissan Sunny. It seemed trouble just started. Time and time again, I could have died in my car.
It was crazy. I kept falling asleep behind the wheel. As hard as I tried, it seemed something just kept coming over me and causing me to sleep. Things got so bad, that even at times when I had others in the car, I would still be sleeping and driving.
This went on for years, not months. I kept falling asleep while driving. Every time I was about to crash and die or run over a cliff or slam into a trailer, something or someone woke me up. Each time I heard the same words (Wake up). Each time I woke up, I would be gripped with fear and intense agony as I realized that on many occasions I was just about to die. Something or someone wanted me dead. But, someone or something wanted me alive.
One night I almost ran into a river. Another night I ran off the road into trees and bushes. When I got home that night, I had to pull bushes out from under the car. Man, I didn’t know what in the world or out of the world was happening to me.
There were other times when I was on the roads all alone, late at nights, driving back home. I could literally feel like someone was in the car with me. Sometimes I would turn around and say (Who is there?) and of course, no one answered. But, somehow, whatever it was, I made it home safely every time.
The Man Pulled His Gun at Me
One night I was driving back home, sleeping behind the wheel again. My car kept drifting out of my lane into the other driver’s lane. This kept on for a few minutes, at least so it seemed to me. I eventually stopped at a stop light. I was just in time to awaken and see a man coming over to me with a gun in his hand. He seemed very upset me.
I realized it was because I was bad-driving him. He didn’t shoot me. He turned back with the gun in his hand and went back in his car. He realized that I looked sleepy and that I was not intentionally trying to run him off the road. I survived that incident and drove home very soberly the rest of the way. In fact, if that man had shot me, no one would have seen, because as far as my eyes saw there were no other cars on that stretch of road. Amazing. Unbelievable. Crazy.
The Car Crashed
I eventually sold that car. Would you believe that within 2 weeks of selling it, the car crashed with the new owner, almost killing him. The man came to see me at the bank where I worked and recounted to me what happened. In fact, he was walking with crutches and had bandages on his body. I was almost knocked off my feet because I thought when I had that car, the many times I fell asleep behind the wheel and yet I didn’t crash or had an accident. I consoled the guy and he left and I eventually bought a second car. And you guessed it, more near deaths experiences and more sleeping behind the wheel.
More to come in Part 2 (Dos)….
David Jeremiah Roberts is a man of God, Author and Speaker for Jesus Christ. He has been in the Kingdom of God since 2006. He is called to be an end time Prophet for Jesus Christ, and he is a gifted prophetic Scribe. He has written many books including:
• God Does Not Speak English
• Eat Me and Live
• Getting Baptism Right

David Jeremiah Roberts is a man of God, author and speaker for Jesus Christ. He has been in the Kingdom of God since 2006. He is called to be an end time prophet for Jesus Christ, and he is a gifted prophetic scribe. He has written many books including, ‘God Does Not Speak English’, ‘Eat Me and Live’ and ‘Getting Baptism Right’.
David is an ordained minister, an anointed and demonstrative teacher of the Word. He is passionate about learning, growing and walking in his purpose, and has a great desire to bring revelation knowledge to the body of Christ, to help the saints walk in their purpose. David loves listening to music, reading and watching football. His favourite club is Manchester United and he writes from the tropical island paradise, Jamaica.