The CACW, a Council of the BCCM oversees the work of the Office for the Participation of Women (OPW) and meets to discuss ways in which women's participation can be fostered in the Australian Catholic Church.
Natalie at 33 is the youngest woman to be appointed to this position, bringing a wealth of experience to the role. Natalie lectures in theology at the Australian Catholic University.
Natalie gained an undergraduate degree in Theology from the Brisbane College of Theology. With the support of the National Council of Churches Ecumenical Leadership Fund, she travelled to Ireland to complete a Masters of Philosophy at the Irish School of Ecumenics, Trinity College Dublin.
Natalie is a proud advocate for women and for the Church in Australia, having contributed to the CACW's publication "And the Dance Goes On: an Anthology of Australian Catholic Women's Stories".
Bishop Michael Malone, who is the Australian Bishops' delegate on the CACW said that Natalie would bring vitality and freshness to the Council.
"Natalie has had wonderful experience in serving the Church and excellent theological and intellectual formation which will serve her well in this role. I am delighted that she has been chosen to chair this important Council of the Australian Church."
Natalie looks forward to serving the Church in this way and is full of enthusiasm for the work of the Council.
"Issues that affect the participation of women are issues that affect the health of the whole Church", she said.
"I feel privileged and also a sense of responsibility in taking on this new role. The council has always espoused a collaborative model of ministry and leadership, and building on this strength we look forward to continuing the work of the Council together."
Natalie's term as chair of the Council will be for three years. She replaces Patricia Bannister of the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese in this role.