"This task I really feel is the call of God. I feel that we have a lot to do together", said Tveit in his acceptance speech before the central committee. He stressed the spirit of unity that dominated the whole process and expressed hope that it will continue to reign in the common journey. Tveit encouraged the committee members to continue praying for him: "Please do not stop!"
Since 2002, Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit has been the general secretary of the Church of Norway Council on Ecumenical and International Relations. Tveit is a member of the WCC Faith and Order Plenary Commission and the board of directors and executive committee of the Christian Council of Norway.
"He impressed me very much with his speech to us," said Dean Anders Gadegaard, a Central Committee member from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark. "It was both pastoral, personal and political at the same time, and that gives me much hope for the future." Gadegaard said he sees Tveit's election as part of an opportunity for the WCC to "have a kind of shift in generations in leadership".
Tveit was one of two candidates standing for election to the WCC's highest administrative post. The other candidate was Rev. Dr Park Seong-won, 61, a Presbyterian theologian from South Korea.
"We entered into this process with most of us not knowing Dr. Park or Dr. Tveit", said Father Leonid Kishkovsky, ecumenical officer of the Orthodox Church in America and a Central Committee member. "In the end, I was impressed with both of their speeches. I'm happy with the outcome." Kishkovsky said he believes Tveit brings a "good balance" of skills in a variety of areas. "It seems to me the blend is a good one", he said.
"The atmosphere after this election is one of hope", said Rev. Dr Emilio Castro, who was WCC general secretary between 1985 and 1992. "I am certain that in this process there were neither winner nor losers, but the ecumenical movement has been strengthened. I am convinced that the best years of the WCC are ahead of us."
Tveit will replace outgoing general secretary Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia who in February 2008 informed the Central Committee, the WCC's highest governing body, that he would not seek a second term in office. Kobia has served as general secretary since 2004. It is anticipated that Tveit will take office on 1 Jan., subject to negotiations with the Central Committee.