In Chapter 829, One Piece revealed more of Big Mom's personality and strength. We got to see more of her introduction as well as how evil she is, and her strong ability in action.
Fans got to see her rampaging throughout the 'Sweet City' destroying anything in sight because of her eating disorder, and won't stop until a certain dish is served, in this case a 'Croquembouche'. In order to stop her one of her sons, Charlotte Muskat, 16th son of the Charlotte Family Gelato Minister tries to persuade her to wait 30 minutes while the crew is preparing the dish, but he got his soul eaten by her instead.
Since the chapter only showed the fans a glimpse of her abilities, many questions are arising. Popular fan theories are that Big Mom has some kind of stomach acid power or can turn people into sweets. It seems that after she ate her son's soul, she gained his lifespan, which means that Big Mom is not as young as we thought.
At the end of the scene, Jinbe comes to the rescue and stuffs the 'Croquembouche' into Big Mom's mouth. After regaining her consciousness, Jinbe says that he wants to discuss something with her, and Big Mom suddenly jumps to conclusion that he is going to leave the crew.
Given the situation, there has been speculation that Jinbe assures Big Mom's he will not leave the crew and he will notify her regarding the arrival of The Straw Hat's crew on her territory. He also informs her there is also a possibility that he and his crew are the reason why Pekom went missing.
At the same time, while Luffy is fighting the sea monster, he falls into the sea as Pedro tries to maneuver the ship according to Nami's instructions.
There is also a possibility that the Vinsmoke family will make an appearance in chapter 830, where they will side with Big Mom when a battle between Straw Hat's and Charlotte Lilin's crews break out.
In this regards, there is still uncertainty how the story will unfold. The only certainty is that Luffy will be facing Big Mom's crew.