Christians are saying they just don't have the time. While lives are getting busier, attention span is getting shorter, and communication must happen within the span of an SMS, a Facebook post or a Tweet of 140 characters. So how can Christians be brought back to a book of over 700,000 words?
This was the background to the Bible Society's 'Live light in 25 words' campaign. This Australia-wide campaign is an invitation to Christians simply to make a fresh start on their Bible reading habit by beginning with 25 words – about the length of a Bible verse. Christians are encouraged to read a verse, think about it or talk it over with someone else, and so let the word "dwell in them". Over time, this habit can grow, and a Christian will begin to experience more of what Jesus promisesâ€"to lighten the burdens we all carry.
The Bible Society is asking churches, Christian organisations and Christian schools to be part of a nationwide push to encourage their members to grow their Bible habit. Many resources - audio-visual, in print and online - are being developed to help.
"Next week," says CEO Greg Clarke, "we will make available the first of an online devotion series called Read the Bible with... We've asked our friends and 'influencers' in the Christian world to read and reflect on a passage of Scripture. These devotions will be continually uploaded onto our website in the lead-up to October." On October 1, Christians will be asked to make a commitment – or recommitment – to a regular Bible habit.
Churches, Christian organisations and Christian schools are invited to register at www.biblesociety.org.au/25words to start their commitment to improve Bible reading amongst Australian Christians. The Bible Society looks forward to seeing God's word bringing life to individuals, to the church and to the church community in the months to come. "In Australia we may have easy access to the Bible, but for various reasons we don't open its pages," says Greg Clarke. "We have to do something about this, and we want to help churches, and individual Christians in Australia, to rebuild a passion for the Bible."
*Sourced from GSI Report February 2011; NCLS 2006; Milk to Meat Bible Engagement Report; Hughes, P. & Pickering, C. (2010). Bible Engagement among Young Australians: Patterns and Social Drivers. Unpublished research report initiated by Bible Society and other partners.
For more information, visit www.biblesociety.org.au/25words