Anxiety is defined as a feeling of worry or nervousness about something with an uncertain outcome. Anxiety is something we all experience, from worry about what to wear, what career to pursue, to where the money will come from.
So, how does anxiety about an “uncertain” future relate to trusting in a sovereign God? Or to put it another way, did Jesus ever have anxiety?
A better understanding of God offers a cure for anxiety. If you believe in a God that created the universe and who’s power saves His people through Jesus, then trusting God is a greatest answer for anxiety.
Jesus completely trusted in His Father’s plan and was guided by the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ knowledge of the Father and the power of the Spirit allowed Him three great insights into curing anxiety.
Pastor Jerry Bridges (dec) wrote a classic book, “Trusting God” where he explores these three insights. The application is that God’s perfect love and providence drives out all fear and anxiety. Bridges reminds us:
Firstly, God is completely 'sovereign'. He is in complete control. He created the universe and His kingdom has come through Jesus. The ultimate example is the victory over sin and death coming from the cross. He rules and controls all. There can be nothing outside His control as Creator and Ruler. We can trust Him because He has shown this power and control through Jesus’ resurrection.
Secondly, God is 'wise'. He has THE plan. And part of His masterplan plan is a plan for you, your family and your church. The proof is found in His salvation plan. Even when we can’t see it, His plan is best because He is wise. We can trust in His plan even when we don’t know the future. He does and will bring all things for His glory and our benefit.
Thirdly, God is perfect in 'love'. He cares for us (i.e. you). This is evident in that despite our rejection of Him, He sent Jesus to pay the price of this rejection. Moreover, God reaching out to us through His message of grace proved it.
These three facts about God will change your life. It means you can completely trust God. He has proven it through His creation and salvation plan. Armed with this knowledge and assurance you can attack fear and anxiety.
Jeremy Dover is a former sports scientist and Pastor
Jeremy Dover's previous articles may be viewed at

Jeremy Dover is a former sports scientist and Pastor
Jeremy Dover's previous articles may be viewed at