Pope Francis' popularity touches the hearts of both lay as well as other religious leaders.
In an interview with EWTN News, Msgr. Tomas Halik, a university professor in several countries and a popular author, spoke highly of the Holy Father:
"Many prodigal sons have the feeling that, if they return, they will not find the open arms of a generous and merciful father, but the wagging finger of the embittered elder brother. Thank God, Pope Francis is changing much of that image of the Church."
Msgr. Halik added that Pope Francis' methods to reform the Catholic Church is similar to the "cultural revolution of Francis of Assisi", one of the most beloved Catholic saints who was told by God to "repair my Church which, as you can see, is falling into ruins."
"The new style represented by Pope Francis is the first to merit the title of new evangelization," said Msgr. Halik.
Msgr. Halik is a Czech priest who has experienced persecution as a Christian under the rule of communists. He was awarded the 2014 Templeton Prize, an award for those "who have contributed to elevate the world's spiritual profile."
The priest, author, professor and speaker has focused his theological studies on conducting dialogues with faith-seekers, non-Christians and atheists. This has given Msgr. Halik many to work with as Czechoslovakia is a nation where more than half of the population call themselves "atheists".
The Monsignor added, "the most difficult sort of evangelization is in an environment where people think they already know everything, or almost everything, about God."