Over 400 business leaders, politicians and church representatives registered for the event which provided thoughtful items for prayer, a tasty breakfast and opportunities for old and new friends to meet together for a common cause.
Mr Neville Cox, a director of several companies in the banking, superannuation and technology industries as well as the not-for-profit sector, as Chairman of the organisation, explained that the Sydney Prayer Breakfast is to be an annual gathering of Christians from all denominations who work or live in the Sydney CBD.
The aim is to "call on our heavenly Father for His mercy and blessing upon the people of the city; encourage believers in their trust and obedience to Jesus Christ and be a light to our fellow workers and neighbours in the city."
Peter Kaldor of the City Bible Forum told Joshua Maule of the newspaper "Eternity", that the event had "exceeded what they were hoping for."
The guest speaker, New South Wales Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione shared his own personal background in family life and growth as a Christian. His emphasis on doing all things well, as a Christian in whatever position a person is placed, presented the gathering with the challenge to place the Lord uppermost in every aspect of life.
The MC for the event, Jock Cameron introduced a group of five leaders who led the meeting in prayer for the nation, the state, the city, its people and its future generations. Those taking part included Simon Pillar, Julie Crabtree, Dr John Collier, Ewen Crouch and Scott Morrison.
Mr Cameron then invited those seated at the tables to join in prayer, as they felt led.
One of Australia's leading soloists, Silvie Paladino presented several musical items, which were appreciated by those present.
Wendy Simpson, an Executive Chairman of Westray Engineering and a director of an Australian Property Development company, presented a Vote of Thanks and closed the meeting with a reading from the Scriptures and in prayer.
This, the first of what promises to be outstanding Prayer Breakfasts in Sydney, places the aim to present the Lord Jesus Christ to the fore, in business and personal lives in a new and contemporary manner.