Jubilee Campaign has helped to facilitate a protest rally of the indigenous people of Vietnam in Washington, USA on 21st June 2005.
The rally was organised by the representative organisations of the indigenous people, The Montagnard Foundation, the World Hmong People's Congress, Tai Solidarity International and the Kampuchea Khmer Krom Federation.
On the occasion of the first official visit of Vietnamese Prime Minister Phan Van Khai in the U.S., they were united in their call for religious freedom and keeping human rights in Vietnam.
Christians are being persecuted by the communist government; among the most persecuted are Montagnards, Mennonites and Roman Catholics, as well as Buddhists.
The aim of the rally was to urge US President Bush to pressurise the Vietnamese government to ensure freedom of religion and worshiping as well as other human rights.
According to Christian Broadcasting News (CBN), during the meeting President Bush and Prime Minister Khai signed a deal that will make it easier for people to worship freely in Vietnam.
The protest demonstration brought together around 600 participants, as a spokesman of Montagnard Foundation informed. People were bearing flags, banners and placards proclaiming "Prayer is Not a Crime" and "Save Our People."
A statement from Jubilee Campaign's Bob Turner commenting on the rally and the following meetings is to be published next week.
Anna Lisa
Christian Today Correspondant