Good morning fellow slaves! It’s time to rise. There’s a lot to do today. As there was yesterday and the day before for that.
You know the drill. Take the robotic dog (real dogs have been banned) for a walk in the park, where you can meet your fellow slaves, pass the time with them in meaningless conversation. However, never a murmur of complaint leaves your lips lest it be heard by the 24 hours surveillance squad and you vanish without a trace.
After the walk you return to your cell block. Oops I meant apartment, scan your barcoded wrist, then sit back and spend the rest of the day watching the in-wall TV screens, to view the mindless entertainment or ingest the daily government propaganda aka the daily news. The independent media died years ago. The Great Reset has spawned a New Government-Corporate partnership.
In the evening, after a hard day in front of the screen (you no longer need to work because you have a BUI, a basic universal income), sit back, put your feet up on your 3x2 concrete balcony along with thousands of others in their allocated cell block and you take the government’s soporific, in order to escape the tedium. Rinse and repeat. You’ll own nothing, do nothing and you’ll be miserable.
You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy
I bet you’re thinking this seems more like a dystopian novel (you know something like Fahrenheit 451), than reality. Well actually, it’s not as crazy as it sounds. In fact, the preparations are well underway for this dystopian world order.
The World Economic Forum (WEF), recently put out a paper; The Global Risk Report 2022. It’s a masterpiece of obfuscation, and it goes like this.
Climate change…. no that won’t do, let’s call it a climate emergency
The members of the WEF, I’ll tell you who they are later, have decided that humanity and the planet are in imminent danger of destruction. If we don’t act now, it will be too late. So, we must decarbonise all the economies of the world, lest the polar ice caps melt, submerging vast sways of humans and cities under metres of water.
Hmmm…… I think someone else, said the same thing way back in 2001. Oh yeah, I remember it was Al Gore’s an Inconvenient Truth. That’s right he predicted we’d be under water by 2014. Let’s see, hmmm … that’s 8 years ago. Hang on, I’ll just check, it seems that here on the East Coast everyone is standing on dry ground. How is it where you are? Oh well he must have got it wrong.
Be that as it may, WEF is resolute, they are going to decarbonise economies come hell or high water.
What does a decarbonised economy look like?
The BBC tells us, that it won’t be easy, nonetheless sacrifice is needed, in order to save the planet. So, no more fossil fuels, if you own a vehicle, it will be powered by electricity or hydrogen. Heating your home, well, you can freeze or get a heat pump, no natural gas allowed. You’ll be flying a lot less and forget about eating red meat, that’s because the cows keep farting (methane).
Oops I forget to mention UBI (page 35), because of the horrendous social upheaval, which is the result of suddenly ripping the world economies off fossil fuels, a Depression will be caused. You’ll lose your job, so they advise putting the masses, on financial life-support (UBI), so that we don’t riot in the street.
Oh, & don’t worry about money, it will be digital (a CBDC) brought into existence at a stroke of the keyboard, and sent to your phone every week, you can spend it as you wish, providing your social credit score meets their criteria (sounds like China maybe).
Are these people evil or insane or both?
You’re probably thinking it’s never gonna to happen. WEF is powerless, they’re not our elected government. Well think again.
Members of the WEF include insignificant people like, Sleepy Joe President of the Fading American Empire, Trudeau in Canada, Boris in the UK, Macron in France, Merkel in Germany, to name just a few. Yes, an even our beloved PM Scomo is a member.
Then there’s the trustees, Al Gore, Mark Carny of the U.N, Christine Lagarde E.C.B, the IMF, & Larry Fink C.E.O of Blackrock the largest investment firm in the world.
And it gets worse, there’re literally thousands of international companies, including Australian companies and banks signed up to the Net Zero Emissions (NZE) target by 2050.
Let’s tie the loose ends together
Never before in human history has so much power been concentrated into the hands of so few. These Plutocrats have the power to recreate the world as they chose.
As Jeremy Rifkin (WEF) said …. We’re no longer obligated to make our behaviour conform to a set of preexisting cosmic rules (ie God’s Law)…. The world is our creation now, we make the rules, ……..for we are now the architects of the universe, we are responsible to no one, or to anything outside of ourselves.
WEF is not a Benevolent Society, but rather a cabal, which is lusts for power and wealth. They won’t be paying for the plan to save the planet from a Climate Emergency but we will, through higher energy costs, higher food prices and job losses.
Notwithstanding, against the terror that their intent portends, the clarion voice of the Psalmist can’t be silenced …..
Why do the nations conspire[a]
and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth rise up
and the rulers band together against the Yahwef and against his anointed, saying,
“Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.”
The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. Psalm Chapter 2.
It’s all been tried before, and invariably fails. Yahweh has installed his King, Jesus Christ and ultimately, He will rule the earth with justice and peace, of which there will be no end.

Vic Matthews, has three degrees B.Optom, B.Arts & B. Christian Studies. Is available as a Guest Speaker for your next Church conference or camp. He is a fledgling author, and copywriter.
For more information visit http://www.graphw.co/
Vic Matthews' previous articles may be viewed http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/vic-matthews.html