I recently had the honour at speaking at Reverend Doctor Mark Tronson’s memorial service. This is what I relayed.
Thank you so much for the privilege and honour to speak today. One month ago I sat in the loungeroom of Mark and Delma with my 18 year old son. We were on the way to Perisher as he embarked on a new chapter in his life journey. Mark and Delma so graciously gave us a bed for the night. And in Mark’s unique way, he sat there and just said “Russell, I know about you, I want to talk to your son.”
Mark then told the story of his life to my son Elijah- the people he’s met, the ministries he started- wisdom and life from a man close to the end of his time. One of those ministries, Press Service International’s Young Writers Program is the ministry I have been a part of since 2008, sitting on the board of Well Being Australia, as the Young Writer’s representative on the board.
In 1996, World Champion Ironman Bruce Thomas was with Mark on a Country Town Tour throughout Qld. On that Country Town Tour they spoke at Mackay Christian College where I was teaching. Mark and I became instant friends and remained so all these years.
I remember attending Mark’s Sports Ministry School at Moruya, being picked up by Mark and an extremely young Wes (who became my shadow for the duration of time there) in this old van where I just kept my hands firmly on the seatbelt and eyes on the road- it’s just that the road was beneath me through this quite big hole in the floor of the van.
Press Service International as an entity was established by Mark in 2005 when the founder and sole operator of Australia's Religious Media (which distributed Christian news) Ramon Williams retired.
In 2008 “Christian Today Australia” approached Mark to become a daily columnist, and he became their “Theological Adviser”, because of his recognised reputation in Christian media. Mark often commented on the quality of this relationship and partnership with Christian Today.
As often was the case with Mark, it became quite overwhelming to produce so many articles and comments by one individual. Press Service International then established the Young Writers’ Program in 2008 aiming to provide Christian young adults with a unique opportunity to develop and express their views through comment writing. So often our young people are not given a voice. Mark wanted their voice to be heard and recognised. This was their unique opportunity to become not just read locally, but internationally as well.
In 2008 my family and I felt God’s call upon our family and relocated to Alice Springs in a indigenous teaching mission role. While there, in 2009, Mark called me up to be part of this new young writer’s ministry as he sought a few more mature heads on the team. Ok, he just needed some older people. I became the chair of the original Brain’s Trust for the young writer program.
In late 2009 young Sport writers and in 2010, young Comment writers were incorporated, and at the suggestion of Mark’s mentor Mr Basil Sellers, this developed into a more formal approach, with an annual conference and award ceremony.
The PSI articles try to follow Christian Today's motto from Matthew chapter 5 verse 37, "Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes', and your 'No', 'No'", in that its principle is “integrity in writing”. This aim is communicated to a team of young writers, who Mark mentored and trained as part of a succession plan for this ministry.
Many articles are written to reflect current affairs issues back to the readers, from a viewpoint of those who normally do not have a voice in society. It is hoped that the opinions and analysis in these articles bring awareness of various situations from a range of viewpoints, in order to help others in Australia and overseas to think more deeply about every day, moral and theological issues and the place of Christianity in society and in their lives.
With the support of Mr Basil Sellers and under the leadership of Mark, the program flourished to include writers from Australia, New Zealand and all over the world. There are some 80-100 people now involved in this incredible ministry of writing. Today the program is led by a team of writers overseeing the weekly publication of articles, the development of the program, and annual conferences.
When I look back to the creation of PSI and how it has grown, it is clear to see Mark’s distinct fingerprint and heartbeat. It reflects his heart and passion, his attention to detail, his love for relationship and desire for Jesus to be spread to the world.
I am sure Mark has already sat down at a desk in heaven and begun sending out copious amounts of emails, devotionals, newsletters, schedules, devotions, and Dad jokes. All the while, sprouting his love for his family and their various exploits.
One of the last emails he sent, as he began to totally relinquish the day to day running of the Young Writer’s ministry simply stated at the end:
“Remember Jesus’ parable about the girls who came prepared with additional oil for their lamps while waiting for the wedding party.
All I am doing is following the Jesus model by having us all prepared.”
Mark, I know you prepared us well. I pray we can continue your legacy with the passion, intensity and love you had for us all.
I respectfully end today as Mark often did his messages and emails:
Joy of the Lord

Russell Modlin is in his 30th year as a Secondary English and Physical Education Teacher. He has taught in Mackay, Brisbane, Alice Springs and currently on the Sunshine Coast. He is married to Belinda (26 years) and they have three sons- 2 have finished High School, 1 to go!
Russell Modlin’s archive of previous article can be found atwww.pressserviceinternational.org/russell-modlin.html