I was asked, "Please prepare our troops for eternity and help them solve their family problems." What a time I've had over the last three years bringing many into a vital relationship with Jesus. The local chaplains are working overtime doing the follow-up work.
All this came about through supporting orphanages in this nation. It's amazing how a seemingly "side trip" from one's destiny can turn out to be the main path for a long fruitful time.
For four days I was criss-crossing this Nation. I did seminars to the nation's Military Police in Riga - a really tough bunch, to the National Guard Bases out in the country and to the Air Force base at Lielvarde to speak to the top guns on "Winning over Stress". I also had the privilege of addressing the new military officers on "Winning over Stress in their new top positions".
In a precious mid-week meeting at the Riga Word of Church so many responded to God's word and His love.
After another National Guard base in Saldus, I ministered at the naval base at Liepaja on the Baltic coast. On the final day I addressed two Infantry battalions at Latvia's main military base on "Accomplishing your Destiny in Christ". In all these meetings so many have come to the Lord.
In the midst of all this I was also checking in the needs of the orphanages we support in this nation after the long icy winter they have endured – 7 months of snow and ice; the longest winter in 70 years. Three orphanages need to have their heating systems replaced and we are very low on funds. Please pray for these needs. I'd appreciate that.
The Russian mission has been postponed to November due to some hiccups with the 'preaching visa" which has now been approved.
We are off to Israel again this week to minister to the Russian, Latvian, Ethiopian, German and Scandinavian Jews in Tel Aviv, Ashdod, Rishon Lezzion, and Eilat. Please pray for us. The Lord has blessed me with some language skills (6 at the present time).
For more information: www.smethurstministries.com