Dr Sam Mings President of Lay Witnesses for Christ International's said this is the eighth (8th) Summer Olympic Outreach by LWFCI known as Chaplains to the World's Olympians, and having visited with Larry and his wife Orlano recently in Irving, Texas, USA, he delighted that the Lord has laid this Olympic outreach upon his heart.
"The Lord has prepared Larry for 'such a time as this' as the Lord has planted His vision in Larry's heart. His background as a large Cruise Ship Entertainer. His expertise with many musical instruments helped prepare Larry – however his following the Holy Spirit anointing him to write some 500 songs, words and lyrics to inspire and teach others the Love of Jesus Christ & the Power of God's Word touched my heart" Dr. Mings explained.
Larry Randall and his wife Orlano through God's miraculous grace have put together the Big Band made up of 30 musicians & singers known as 'The Joshua Experience'. Larry Randall directs the Joshua Ministries head quartered in Irving, Texas and daily Larry and the 'Joshua Experience' are seeing the Lord unfold miracles before their eyes.
Just recently the Lord blessed them with a 53 passenger bus to travel to and from their engagements. And they are believing the Lord for their own Television Network to spread the Good News of Salvation through faith in the resurrected Jesus Christ!
"Years ago as Larry Randall was going up the mountain to see The Christos in Rio De Janeiro, and he heard the voice of the Lord telling him to fill the world's largest soccer stadium …He thought how does one do that?... The Answer came: One can't unless it is with God's help. One step towards this is the LWFCI 2012 Olympics ministry and in 2016 we'll be Rio," Dr Mings noted.
Press Service International's Mark Tronson sourced Larry Randall for this interview and his responses are as follows:
The Rio De Janeiro Call
My reason for being involved with project of Missions work at the Olympics started in Heaven many eons ago when God ordained me to be a witness for Him in Rio De Janeiro in 2016. I was given a mandate by the Lord to fill up the worlds largest soccer stadium, and the Olympics in London is just the first step in achieving that goal. Dr. Mings heard me playing my saxophone and invited me to participate with him and others in this work.
Making a difference at Olympics?
I have travelled the world for many years and my heart has always been for souls that have no hope, no idea of the Love of Jesus and are lost beyond compare. The statistics show that in Europe that only 7% of the people know who Jesus even is…. but I know that they all love American jazz. "The Joshua Experience" will bring them in with the Jazz and send them out with the saving grace of our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Personal background
I had much musical training when growing up, and much church in my younger years, along with much travel. I had a respect for people who can teach and really know the power that is in the gospel… not in religion, but in the Word of Christ who can and wants to set people free.
Christian development
I grew up in the Baptist Church from 1947 and rarely missed a Sunday school… but was totally ignorant of the Bible as I didn't pay attention as somehow it wasn't taught as if the Bible was for "today – right now in my life. I understood I needed to follow Jesus to go to heaven, and when this became a reality for me, I realised a need to rededicate my life towards that goal.
Preparation on LWFCI 2012 London Olympic Ministry
My preparation started with my first piano lesson. Music has no boundaries. When I was an entertainer on cruise ships, I found out very quickly that all nationalities and colours and peoples and creeds loved rhythm, the melody and the message.
Strategic thinking on evangelism
My strategy is simply to keep it simple… and love those who listen to the music enough to reach out and tell them about the one person, the one answer the one truth in this life that will set them free from the bondage of sin and death. I know that this is not me, but Christ in me. He can deliver them from any spirit that would hold them captive.
2016 Rio
My prayer is one of thanksgiving that the Lord would honour me with the possibilities of being used in such a great event. In Rio music will also be the centre of media attention and to focus on the Sweet Abiding Love of Christ in all circumstances, great and small and go to bed each night filled with the knowledge that one more soul is going is saved in Jesus Christ and going to Heaven.
Lay Witness for Christ International is our priority
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