One day when I was feeling "down in the dumps" sitting on the back stairs of my house just crying, I didn't know what was going on, but I remember just sitting there on the top of the stairs crying my eyes out when all of a sudden I felt led to look up at the sky.
So looking up at the sky I saw something that I can never forget, there in the sky I saw three clouds in a row, a picture that is almost too good to be true.
The first cloud was in the shape of the letter 'I' while next to it there was a cloud in the perfect shape of a heart. The last cloud was in the shape was of the letter 'U'.
At first, I admit, I thought it was my imagination, but I just couldn't pull my eyes away from the 'I Love U' sentence in the clouds. It took me a few seconds to realise that it was really there in front of me and not just a figment of my imagination.
After that I knew it was God telling me, that even though times are really tough right now, He still loves me through whatever I maybe going through. Within a few minutes the clouds had disappeared and I was still sitting there just staring at the sky where the clouds once were just amazed at what I just saw and how God showed me that He loves me.
Little things
It's little things like this that reminds me that God loves me and how He will never leave nor forsake me even in my most difficult and trying times of my life.
Just like it says in Hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 (NKJV), 'Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself Has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
But that day, now a few weeks ago, seeing those clouds in the sky, had me feeling a peace that I've never had before and also had me smiling that much that my face stated to hurt.
At my trying times since that day, I have the picture of the clouds kept safe in my heart and my mind, helping me to remember that God still loves me even through this time and that He is with me no matter what.
God loves us more than we can ever possibly imagine or can ever understand. It's proven just how much God loves us in the bible passage of John chapter 3 verse 16 (NKJV) which says, 'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever shall believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.'
So when times seem tough just remember God loves you more than each one of us will ever understand and that He's with you right now in the most darkest times of your life and He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Natasha Rider of Gladstone Qld, is a young woman who has recently comes back to faith , looking for a good job and is passionate about writing.