As the album's title suggests, Strong God is a collection of 10 new songs declaring that God is indeed strong enough in times of trouble.
The title track was penned by worship pastor Jon Egan together with Jason Ingram and Meredith Andrews and it became a source of solace to those affected by the terrible fires that have hit the area.
Around a hundred families at New Life Church were affected by the fires and the church itself served as a temporary evacuation shelter.
Egan shared : "We gathered around those affected, prayed and sang 'Strong God' together as a reminder that we're all about declaring the greatness of God in the midst of trouble and despair. We know what that's like, so we can sing it fully knowing the truth behind the words."
He added: "Strong God is really a banner for and over our church. 'Father to the fatherless, Defender of the weak ... With us in the wilderness, Faithful to provide.' It reflects our heart and vision for our church and our community."