The latest episode of Suits 'Trust' saw all of our favorite characters in risky, difficult positions both professionally and personally.

The legal comedy-drama series revolves around corporate lawyer Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht) and his associate attorney, recently imprisoned, Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams) who, between the two of them, has only one law degree.
Harvey promises to keep Cahill away from any collusion charges as Mike works to get information on his cellmate. Rachel promises to put Leonard Bailey's case through a re-trial. Similarly, Louis has promised Tara Messer there's a house in the Hamptons that needs remodelling.
The 'Trust' episode kicked off with Harvey, Cahill, and Mike heading to the prison again. Harvey gets to know that the guy for whom Cahill is using Mike to put away is William Sutter and becomes utterly shocked. Since, Harvey is now Sutter's lawyer, he heads to Cahill's office and tells him that if he doesn't indict William in the next 48 hours, then he is going to sue him in the harassment case.
Rachel gets a call from Prof. Dunbar explaining that the appeal that she wanted to do on Bailey is not going to go through and in order to take it to a judge, they need untried DNA evidence.
Donna suggests Louis to tell Tara the truth about his vacation home and ask her out. The episode reveals to what extent the character will go to in order to set things straight.
The next episode to air 'Spain' previews Mike and Rachel getting to closer to the truth, while Jessica reveals to Harvey that Pearson Specter Litt was not what she had envisioned for her future.