That was one of the key messages from Wesley Mission Superintendent the Rev Dr Keith Garner at the Sunrise Service Sydney Opera House on Easter Sunday.
As the sun rose over Sydney Harbour and the waterways became busy with ferries and passenger liners, the combined voice of hundreds of people rang out in praise of the risen Christ.
'Easter is more than just an event its message is active today,' Dr Garner affirmed. 'Easter declares that all human life matters. Life is lifted to a new level.
'The death and resurrection of Jesus always makes sense together. Resurrection begins in Jesus Christ and continues in new life for the whole world.'
Worshippers were also treated to the voice of Australia's Got Talent winner, Jack Vidgen, who sang powerful renditions of Great is thy Faithfulness and Amazing Grace with the backing of the Wesley Impact! band.
'The cross is a stark reality...a sign of hope and love,' Dr Garner declared. 'He is a constant hope for the world. Our Christian faith is one of hope and love.'
The crowd also heard from Wesley Mission homeless persons' worker, Des Langella, who spoke about her own journey of faith and her work among Sydney's homeless.
Wesley Mission's Easter Sunrise service has been held at many locations around Sydney but none more spectacular than the Sydney Opera House. The service draws Christian worshippers from across Sydney and beyond, including overseas visitors.
The service was broadcast live on Channel 9 across Australia and simulcast through Hope 103.2 FM and affiliated Christian radio stations.