The Sydney Anglican Archbishop, Dr. Peter Jensen, has pledged his support to the 'Jesus All About Life' campaign, as organisers for it are meeting with denominational leaders in Sydney to run the media campaign in 2009.
Daniel Willis, the CEO of Bible Society NSW, said he was encouraged by the Archbishop support and, like him, wanted to see the Bible on the agenda for everyone no matter where they were.
"I am very encouraged that Archbishop Peter Jensen has committed the support of the Sydney Anglican Diocese to our 'Jesus All About Life campaign,' said Mr. Willis.
"Where the project has run we have seen churches of all denominations coming together, centred in the person of Jesus Christ. Like Peter, I want to see all people having the Bible on their agenda, whether at a sporting event, in the queue at the box-office, the restaurant, at the pub or on the beach."
The support came after the Archbishop, in his presidential address to the Sydney Diocese Synod held in September, issued an ambitious agenda, known as 'Connect 09,' to challenge every Sydney Anglican to connect with people in their local community through the distribution of the Bible.
The planned year to launch the Jesus media campaign along with the 09 initiative devised by the Sydney Anglicans coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Billy Graham Crusader, which was described by the former Sydney Anglican Archbishop, Hugh Rowlands Gough, as the most 'spiritual experience' enjoyed by the diocese.
"The most remarkable spiritual experience enjoyed by this Diocese…probably throughout its history…Through this Crusade not only the Church, but the whole city of Sydney was stirred," Archbishop Jensen who quoted Archbishop Gough.
Mr. Willis said the Jesus campaign would be a fitting 50-year tribute to the first Graham Crusade with the coming together of all churches for the one event. Thus far, three denominations have given their letter of support to the campaign.
Archbishop Jensen had also used his address to extol the television media campaign as a tool to complement 'Connect 09' saying, "…There is a plan to run the 'Jesus All About Life' television campaign in 2009, which would magnificently complement our efforts."
The Archbishop went on to say the event would be a good way to thank Mr. Graham for bringing Christ into this region.
"Those of (us) who came to know Christ in 1959 were also moved by the 50th anniversary of the first Graham Crusade, as a point of great thanksgiving towards God."
"I cannot think of a better way of thanking him than once again seeking to bring the knowledge of Christ to the whole region."
The Jesus. All about life campaign, developed by the Bible Society, is a six week prime-time media campaign that uses television advertising, supported by radio and print ads to raise the profile of Jesus and Christian faith.
The key message is that Jesus is 'all about life'. Local church support is key to the campaign's success. The campaign has already run in Adelaide (August, 2005) and Canberra (March/April, 2006) and is currently underway across Tasmania – the first state-wide campaign with over 200 churches on board.