We waited, then heard a voice ask, "is there a doctor in the room?"
My friend, who was sitting next to me, began to repeat the words, "thankyou Jesus" over and over again. It seemed strange to me at first, but as I pondered this, I was struck at what a very wise thing this was for her to do.
Saying these words took the fear out of the situation, it put it back into the hands of the creator and brought a sense of calmness and peace to an otherwise anxious moment. As the situation subsided and the person was treated by the doctor who was present, the room returned to order with many prayers I am sure, going up to heaven on her behalf.
My friend's words have resonated in my head ever since. Every time I find myself feeling anxious or stressed, I hear her words "thankyou Jesus" even though it doesn't seem to make much sense.
When my car won't start or the bills are escalating, when I worry about providing for my family or can't see what the next few months are going to look like, why do the words "thankyou Jesus" bring a calming effect? Why would I be saying thankyou in a bad situation when it would be easier just to scream?
Generally I forget. Feelings of worry tend to fall automatically when something goes wrong. Chords of anxiety tangle inside my stomach reaching up my neck to bring on a headache, but this is wrong. God didn't give us a spirit of fear and yet so often we let it have a hold.
The Bible tells us to bring all our thoughts captive (2 Corinthians 10 verse 5). It says not to worry (Matthew 6 verse 25). It also says to thank God for everything (Ephesians 5 verse 20). When things seem to be going all wrong, the last thing we generally do feel is thankful, it just doesn't seem logical.
As I begin to practice saying thankyou when it goes against everything I am feeling, (and can I just say, this is going to take me a long time to master) I begin to see the physical benefits of it.
I notice that my mind begins to clear and the tangles of worry start to get torn down making a way for clearer thinking which often brings solutions that the worry wouldn't allow. I think my friend may be onto something.
By saying thankyou when we least feel like it, we are actually saying to God
"Thankyou that you are bigger than this.
Thankyou for this opportunity to see your hand at work.
Thankyou that whatever the outcome, you have a plan.
Thankyou that you have a purpose and nothing goes to waste.
Thankyou that through the pain, you are refining us.
Thankyou that nothing can separate us from the love of God."
Thankyou God that you are in control.
Rebecca and her husband Tony, have four children and live on the Sunshine Coast, Australia. Rebecca loves writing children stories, interest articles and teaching piano. She is grateful for a God who loves us.
Rebecca Moore's previous articles may be viewed at