Cultural Marxism is beginning to raise its ugly head and the church is not immune from it.
Cultural Marxism has been around since the death of Karl Marx.
Marx did not see the importance of culture within his philosophy and those who succeeded Marx did.
So the philosophers saw an emphasis on culture within the confines of Marxism, in particular the need for cultural change.
Students of this particular line of thought were taught that there was no such thing as absolute truth, teachers taught students to be overly critical.
It aims to rewire culture as we know it today, it aims to change society to become more progressive.
For example it might challenge our thinking around gender, the role of the mother and the father, perhaps children can make big life decisions while their brains are still developing?
Even what we accept as biblical truth is challenged by cultural Marxism, “God is always referred to as a he maybe it’s a woman?” “The Bible was written by men over thousands of years how can we trust it?”
That is the real danger.
If we start to lose confidence in the Bible as God’s written word then everything in the Bible is completely open to interpretation even the nature of heaven and hell and that is where we give place to the devil.
Way back in the Garden of Eden the serpent twisted Eve’s theology. God gave her clear instructions not to partake of the fruit but her theology was not strong and as a result the serpent was able to twist it.
“You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God knowing good and evil.” (Genesis Chapter 3 Verses 4-5 NIV)
So because lies are able to get a foothold in our lives we end up disobeying God and therefore sin abounds.
As Christians if we are not careful Cultural Marxism can very easily do that.
Cultural Marxism for the most part is against Christianity and the Bible. You can’t deem truth to be relevant or flexible to a person there is either the truth or there is lies.
For example it might be true to me that if I tried a double somersault of the Olympic diving board I will probably hurt myself really badly, someone might say that “might be true for you”.
Hang on! It’s either true that I would hurt myself really badly or I won’t there is no such thing as relative truth, it is either the truth or it isn’t.
As Christians if we believe that Jesus is the way, the truth and the light, then there can be no room for relativity he either is the truth that he is the saviour of the world or he is not, you can’t deem that to be relative.
Cultural Marxism does not align with the Christian worldview.
Sadly it’s taught in many public schools which Christians need to be aware of.
It’s popular in mainstream society.
It’s a philosophy of the world.
The Apostle Paul warns Timothy that most of the world’s beliefs are based on man rather then God (1 Timothy Chapter 6 Verse 20).
Satan is largely the ‘god’ of this world which means that the teachings of the world are largely influenced by him and his demonic schemes (2 Corinthians Chapter 4 Verse 4).
The philosophies and teachings of this world are largely rooted in mankind’s sinful flesh or in the devil’s schemes. It is certainly wise to be careful believing any philosophy found in the world, which was created by mankind.
Cultural Marxism leaves us sceptical and distant from God, it’s distance from God where we have read all throughout the Bible and history that causes them to fall.
You will have difficulty even making sense of your sense of identity and purpose.
You would have difficulty believing in any type of truth because you simply do not believe in absolute truth.
So, you would find it nearly impossible to understand the world in a biblical context but sadly people believe Cultural Marxism to be relatively undangerous.
Afterall it is so freely taught in universities and schools.
But as Christians it is vital we shine a light here and lead people into true and right relationship with God.
It is after all the only way to live.

Ben Kruzins is the Campus Pastor of The Hub Baptist Church in Ocean Shores on the North Coast of New South Wales. He is also a Journalism graduate who has written articles in The Canberra Times and The Sydney Morning Herald.