Finally, the devil took Jesus up on a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the earth and their glory. The devil said to him, "All of this shall be yours, if you only bow down and worship me...."
Satan used this line attempting to turn Jesus from his mission, to be God's redeeming sacrifice to mankind, to not be served but to serve. Satan tried to entice Jesus with a poor substitute for King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He offered Him all that he could: temporal power, earthly riches and glory. The enemy is called the tempter in the Bible and is seen in many ways and in many guises.
In the film The Matrix there is a secret meeting is set up between the 'Agent' and a member of the team of freedom fighters – 'Cypher'. Speaking with Cypher, the agent asks him in his classic poised drawl: "Do we have a deal... Mr. Regan?", Cypher is musing upon his 'deal with devil' and cutting into his steak whilst mulling over some good wine, "You know, I know this steak doesn't exist, I know that when I put it in my mouth the matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy... and delicious, after nine years you know what I realise?" Cypher savors a bite of steak, "Ignorance is bliss."
Cypher knowingly tries to again swallow the blue pill (a metaphor for ignorance and subjugation to the system of the matrix—in essence to be enslaved once more) Even knowing that the fight for truth was real and a future freedom was possible, but he gave up. He got 'tired', bitter and jaded.
Selling out
This scenario reminds me of the beginning of the passion story, where one of Jesus' close disciples talks to the religious leaders and does his 'deal with the devil'. (See Matthew chapter 26, verses 14-16).
Judas Iscariot sold out the King of Kings for 30 silver coins! I'm guessing the devil would have paid much, much more for him, but 30 lousy coins did he get.
Once Judas realised the gravity of what he had done he tried to buy him back but by then it was too late—the deed was done. Instead of true repentance Judas sunk into guilt and self-pity, he hanged himself to try and rid his guilt. He swallowed his own blue pill and its effects were in full effect—ending with a noose around his neck.
Jesus knew how to talk back to the devil, using the very words He gave to His prophets hundreds of years before in response. He set his face like flint and went onwards with His mission, knowing that His Father would vindicate Him and glorify Him in the end without taking the 'blue pill' of fading human glory.
"An offer you can't refuse"
The devil takes on many different guises but he is rarely a red-skinned man with a goatee beard and pitchfork. He may be the best dressed man at the ball. Hair slicked back, deliberate with his words, offering you something tempting.
So what is his offer to you?
Power? Money? Sex? Maybe even the subtly 'good' offer of a semi-subdued life with all the perks of western contemporary living? But without the 'drain' or responsibility of being beholden to a 'god' who would require more from you than your own comfort and self-satisfaction.
The enemy knows our weakness; he knows our Achilles heel and will attack it through subtle influence, through tempting offers and blurring the lines. We may not swallow it whole but we take the pill until its effects are seen: we grow cold, complacent following meaningless trivialities and distractions eventually re-entering our matrix-type cocoons once more.
Cypher was deceived through his weakness—a desire for a luxurious and decadent life free of suffering. He wanted importance, riches and all the perks. Even if it wasn't real in the end, to him it was 'real enough'. However, like Judas, his betrayal betrayed him and he was killed. Chasing after fantasy, illusion and riches ended his life.
So what will he offer you? What is he offering you? Because rest assured it will be lovely, subtle and just what you want!
Talk back to the Devil
Once we recognise him behind his façade. We don't of course fight him, this will only wear us out but we stand on what God has said. We do as Jesus did and boldly say,
"It is written! 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.' (Luke chapter 4, verse 8)
"Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man." (Matthew chapter 16, verse 23)
In the end the blue pill's illusion will vanish, the life offered will be meaningless, your soul will be left empty, you will be void of truth and you will indeed be robbed of every last penny. So whichever façade the offer takes, for God's sake take the red pill, stay in truth and stay awake!
Tim Everton is a youth worker and designer from the beautiful Southern Coast of South Australia. In his off-time he pursues graphic design, creating nerdy things, the beach (and its various forms of enjoyment) and seeking out his next best cafe latte.
Tim Everton's previous articles may be viewed at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/tim-everton.html