You would think after enduring a mammoth and rather traumatising labour just a few months ago that I would have overcome all my fears and feel ready to face absolutely any challenge to come my way, right? Well not exactly in my case.
You see I was long overdue for a check up at the dentist and as I sat in the reception area I could feel my heart beating, or more accurately, pounding in my chest. I could feel panic try and take over so I once more had to practise my calm breathing techniques I used while in labour to try and calm down!
The "Chair"
The moment finally arrived when my name was called and I was ushered into the little room and asked to sit in, "the chair". I did what was asked, thinking all this will be over soon enough and I should be hearing the usual verdict of, 'You've got a good set of teeth there, just make sure you keep on top of your dental hygiene and come back if you have any problems with your wisdom teeth.'
Well I was not so lucky this time as I needed quite a bit of work done which only meant one thing, more visits in the chair! Little did I know that in the next couple of weeks the chair and I would become quite good friends and experience some pretty extraordinary encounters.
The "Encounters"
As you can imagine, I was quite nervous when I had to go back to the dentist but this time actually get some work done! As I took my reclined position, closed my eyes and imagined I was having a nice swim, somewhere far away from this tiny room with drills and needles, I slowly drifted into a very nice place.
I began to pray and felt a tremendous peace wash over me and while my mouth was numb and my teeth were being drilled and filled, I felt Jesus visited me right there in the dentist chair. This happened on each visit I had on the chair with me gaining fresh revelations of different scriptures and generally having what I feel to be very real, spiritual encounters.
I wanted to share this as I believe God can visit us at anytime, in any place and wants to be a part of every facet of our lives. This is nothing new or profound but I do believe life changing as he is eager to meet us and encourage us and transform us, no matter where we are or whom we are with.
While I can't say I am totally over my fear of going to the dentist, I do feel less anxious and dare I say, am even looking forward (kind of) to when I get to sit in the chair again!
"I leave you peace; my peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world does. So don't let your hearts be troubled or afraid." John 14 verse 27

Jo Fuller lives on the beautiful Sunshine Coast with her husband, son and daughter. Jo is a teacher with an education in journalism and early childhood who loves to spend time with her family and enjoys reading and writing whenever she can.