“And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)” – Dr Seuss, Oh the Places You’ll Go
Ah, Dr. Seuss. An inspiration to some, an instigator of childhood nightmares for others.
I have always loved Dr. Seuss. His creativity and individualism have always moved me. His eccentricity and colour stir my own into greater vibrancy.
I see Dr. Seuss as someone who, amongst oddities, managed to grasp onto such fierce security as the result of passionate expression.
Do you know people like that?
Those people that you meet who are so deeply and widely themselves that they open the space for others to jump into freedom too. The people that have an atmosphere of peace and calm because of how deeply the peace within them goes. The originals, the unusual, the deep-feelers. If you know them, you know them.
“Here’s to the ones who dream, foolish as they may seem. Here’s to the hearts that ache; here’s to the mess we make.” – La La Land
These people are the ones who spark uprisings; pushing and pulling creativity until it produces something new and alive. These people are the ones who persevere under scrutiny; the ones who come out on the other side of diversity as softer and braver beings.
These people are all of us.
Every single one of us has been created differently and designed with a completely unique formula.
Romans chapter 12, verses 6-8 and 1 Peter chapter 4, verses 10-11 talk about the differences between people and how everyone has their own unique giftings. Whoever you are and whatever you’re gifted at is important and valuable to the world, and if you try to act as someone else, you are robbing the world of your true expression.
It is so vital to pursue what it is that makes you, well… you.
Friends in high places
As children of God; as friends of Jesus; we should be the people who are going after our dreams. Whatever our dreams may be, we should be the ones who are going after them; not settling for anything less than the plans and promises of God.
When I look at the world, although there be darkness and dirt, I see colour, life and success.
I see people becoming who they were made to be, and I see people living their dreams all around me.
However, of all these people, not enough are Christians.
Pardon my generalisation, but there are so many setting goals, going after them and achieving success and accomplishment, yet the percentage of Jesus lovers among them is relatively small.
This is the opposite of what it should look like – we, as Christians, are called to teach, lead and inspire others into their fullest potential. We, as Christians, should be the ones in high places; we should be in positions to influence the world into the love of God.
Let me clarify – just because someone isn’t preaching to the masses doesn’t mean they are unsuccessful. It’s just about going after what God has for you with all you’ve got.
Whatever you do, do it well
Whether you’re an artist and author like Dr. Seuss, or whether you’re an accountant; whether you’re a trampolinist, or a manager of a bank – do it well.
Go after your dreams and passions wholeheartedly.
This is what changes the world; when every single one of us is humbly but expectantly going after what God has put on our hearts.
1 Corinthians chapter 12, verses 12-27 talks about the body of Christ being one body made up of many different body parts. Without an ear, how could the body hear? If the body had no eyes, how could it see?
This is a great explanation of the necessity of individuality; the importance of being who you were created to be.
The body of Christ needs you. Those still searching for who they’re supposed to be; they need you.
You are important and valuable to the world. Who you are and what you’re passionate about matters.
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” – Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
Whatever it is that you care about; whatever it is that stirs within your heart, go for it. Do it.
Go passionately towards all that the Lord has for you, and don’t be afraid to be the only one like you – that’s exactly how it’s supposed to be.
Laura Miles is an excitable and fast-paced Brit, living in Australia. After recently committing to studying, she is expectant and excited to see all the crazy things that the Lord is going to do in her life.

Laura Murphy is an excitable and fast-paced Brit, living in Australia. She can’t sit still; she has a serious addiction to sudoku, and she can be won over by a good cup of tea and a laugh. Studying to become a doctor, she is expectant and excited to see all that God is going to do with her life.