|PIC1|"Simon Manchester's hallmark has been his teaching on the 'self evident truth' of Christ's death on the cross for our sin and salvation," M V Tronson explained. "Due to his clarity of thought and eloquence of speech, he has been invited to present his ideas at international and national evangelical, denominational, mission and Christian men's conferences during his 32 years of ministry."
The story of his personal ministry began in the beach-side suburb of Bondi, Sydney when he was converted when he was 18 years old. Having believed he was called into Christian ministry, Simon Manchester studied at Moore Theological College from 1976, graduating in 1979.
Perhaps the defining period in Simon Manchester's ministry development was in London where he served as Curate at St Helens from 1982-84 under Dick Lucas, who initiated a lunch-time bible teaching in the City for London's pin-striped community.
"Perhaps it was here that his natural eloquence was honed, and his powers of persuasion were more fully developed," mused Mark Tronson.
This lunch-time slot of evangelical Biblical teaching became a 'standing-room only' event time after time, and it had an astonishing effect on many of London's leading businessmen and left an indelible mark on Simon Manchester.
"Dick Lucas taught me to study the text of the bible and not settle for superficial understanding or someone else's slick conclusions. Dick Lucas' words embedded into my soul were, 'The treasure is in the text'," Simon Manchester stated.
When he took up the reigns at St Thomas North Sydney, in the heart of its CBD in 1989, his parish pulpit ministry and his convention ministry grew exponentially. His presentation utterances to 'men' illustrated a unique gift from the Lord.
In addition, he was keen on getting involved in his community with a tangible ministry and this was when he became the inaugural chaplain to the then North Sydney Bears Rugby League Club.
M V Tronson had initiated the Sports and Leisure Ministry (SLM) in 1982 in association with Heads of Churches and began negotiating and making chaplaincy appointments into Australia's professional sports.
"Simon Manchester, a man's man, seemed the most obvious person for this appointment and it proved to be a remarkable ministry engagement with his community," M V Tronson stated.
When Simon Manchester first met the players, super star Mario Fenech asked him, in front of everyone in the change room, what he could do for the players. His unforgettable response was "I take a very good funeral." He was immediately made an honorary member of the team.
A most illuminating story Simon Manchester tells was when Mario Fenech explained that the most dangerous thing in professional sport is to treat the preparation for a lesser opponent with any less commitment. This was an insight that Simon Manchester employed in his teaching on 'truth'.
"I've seen Simon Manchester as one of my Christian teaching heroes. It is always a joy, professionally and personally, for fellow ministers to seek out such peers," M V Tronson said.
"Through his unmistakably gifted eloquence, he explains his humble reaction to how the Holy Spirit brings clarity of truth," M V Tronson said respectfully. "Simon Manchester says, that it illustrates the very nature of Christian Grace and a saving passion for the lost." M V Tronson noted.
* Simon and Kathy Manchester have been married for 33 years with three adult children. Simon Manchester: St Thomas, North Sydney: 61 2 9929 4807