Have you ever been delivered from a tumultuous season; having the waters part before you, knowing the wonders of God’s grace, only to find the dry ground where you set your feet is another desert?
With the uncertainty of our times, we find ourselves catching glimpses of the promises of God somewhere in the distance, but then we pass another mountain that we were sure we passed a month ago.
I painted this piece in two hearts; in the celebration of having been delivered from the grief of pregnancy earlier this year, but in the wake of compounding health conditions and diagnoses, I couldn’t see the promise, only a vast and rocky desert ahead.
As I laid colour after colour; the sea and shore made way for a pillar of hope for the future. It is the misty cloud of God’s glory, which cannot be grasped, but cannot be denied; it makes a way in the desert and lights the darkest night.
If He led me here, He will lead me into promise;
“…Worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”
(Revelation chapter 19, verse 10b)

Laura Wardrop has undertaken further study in the areas of Linguistics, Art, and Ministry. She currently works a graphic artist and painter, and takes a keen interest in exploring all areas of human creativity as a reflection of God’s character. She lives with her husband Stephen and two children in Brisbane.