Some athletes might crumble under the pressure or develop an anxiety related mental illness from the constant threat of scrutiny from self or others. For Tebow this is not such a worry, his resilience is not based on personal belief, but rather on spiritual practicality.
His Faith and life purpose are based on his relationship with his creator, he believes his talent is God given, and based upon this he follows the motto of honouring the one who gave him the talent.
The criticism that follows this honouring at times must seem endless. In a recent game every time Tebow was sacked the player who sacked him would bow to one knee and mimic a prayer that Tebow is renowned for, before and after games.
During his college years his faith was continually scrutinised, the NCAA actually created what they now call the "Tebow" rule after 93 million people "Google searched" the Phrase "John 3:16", After Tebow wrote it in his Tar below his eyes during a night game, preventing players from writing anything on their face.
Tebow was also criticised for appearing in Focus on the Family commercials during the Super Bowl in his senior year at College.
There are now fan sites where you impersonate kneeling and praying in a position now labelled "Tebowing" and you can post it up on the site for all to see.
When a homosexual athlete "comes out" they are praised for the courage for standing up for what they believe in, when an athlete admits they are suffering depression they are also labelled a hero for highlighting the cause (and rightly so).
When a Muslim comes into a sport where they are not renowned for competing they are a huge positive new story. When Hazem El Masri stuck to his Ramadan tradition of fasting during the NRL rugby league season in Australia, the media reported on his story with a positive glow, and so they should have. What he did was amazing.
What I'm trying to highlight is the different standard often placed on Christian athletes. Is highlighting your Christian faith, different to highlighting your Muslim faith? I really don't know the answer, it becomes very confusing.
I couldn't blame Tim Tebow if he decided to shelve his faith whilst in the public eye, but deep down part of me knows this will never happen. His courage under fire is a shining beacon for all who suffer for standing by their faith, whether it be a Christian a Muslim or any other faith.