After surviving Haiyan, one of the most powerful typhoons ever recorded, during the construction phase in November 2013, Tebow CURE Hospital in Davao City, Philippines, opened its doors last week. Although the official launch event is scheduled to occur around April next year, child patients are already being assisted by the facility's 54 staff members.
According to a December 11 press release, the hospital was built by the Tim Tebow Foundation, in partnership with CURE International, for "children with the most critical orthopedic needs who otherwise would not be able to afford treatment".
The Foundation was founded in 2010 by former National Football League (NFL) star Tim Tebow, who was born in the Philippines to American missionary parents, before he went on to play for the New York Jets and Denver Broncos. Mr Tebow said to the media last week, "It is so exciting to be able to provide healing and care for these incredibly deserving children halfway around the world."
The importance of faith was introduced to Mr Tebow, who is a devout and outspoken Christian, from a very young age, as his mother fell victim to a life-threatening disease in the Philippines while pregnant. His mother subsequently ignored the abortion recommendation of doctors, who were convinced that the medication she needed to recover would seriously harm her baby, and eventually gave birth to her healthy son, Tim. As an adult, Mr Tebow became recognised for acknowledging God on the football field through prayer, and inscribing Bible verses on his face with black eye liner.
After the proposal was publicised in 2011, construction of the hospital began in January 2012, and was completed in September. The hospital building consists of five storeys, 30 beds and three operating rooms for pediatric orthopedic surgeries. Clearly, the project is also of great importance to CURE International, as its president, Dale Brantner, said to reporters: "The opening of the Tebow CURE Hospital is the fulfillment of long-held dreams and many prayers. We are excited to partner with the Tim Tebow Foundation to bring healing to the children of the Philippines in Jesus' name."