As believers when we turn to Jesus when born again and commit to surrender our lives totally most of the times do we really fathom what this entails? The words that most often come in our worship that God may use as He pleases, are we really ready to surrender and give Him total control?
For me this has been a gradual journey of different levels of surrender. Every time I pat myself in awe at the level I’ve submitted I am immediately re-introduced to yet another level of surrender which normally at first entails a sense of struggle and a process of deeper encounter with Him. Being very independent minded, letting God have His way in my life has always felt like a tug of war.
It’s so encouraging knowing we serve a God who knows us and loves and will never give up on us. Surrender can be very scary and uncomfortable because most of the times we surrender to the unknown. Abraham obeyed God to move to an unknown promised land by faith.
Leaving my home country Kenya to relocate to a country I’ve never been was probably one of the biggest faith moves of yielding to God I’d ever undertaken. Having been in my new home country for over two years now, there some lessons I’ve learnt in walking with God.
It’s so tempting to hold onto the safe and familiar
For so many years I felt God wanted me in a faraway place where He would show me in time. Even though moving and settling in an unknown land sounded fascinating, leaving the familiar was a scary thought. To delay a transition sometimes we stall by questioning whether a move is really God’s will which God ends up confirming so many times.
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
(Hebrews chapter 11, verse 1)
I am reminded of all the people in the bible that God asked to make some seemingly crazy faith moves. Noah when warned about a flood that had not yet happened believed and built an ark, Abraham when asked to move to an unknown land obeyed among others.
“We can be in our day what the heroes of faith were in their day - but remember at the time they didn't know they were heroes.”
― A.W. Tozer
God is ever present
There is always an unwavering assurance when you follow God’s lead that He is ever present even in tough seasons. There are definitely so many trials in seasons of transitions but God never fails to come through. It is difficult not to question God when such tough seasons are presented to us and in some instances it may seem like were being given so much more that we can handle.
“…He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”
(Hebrews chapter 11, verse 6)
I’ve learnt and come to value the nature of God as our friend. Going to God and being real with him about our concerns and fears in tough seasons can be so refreshing. Having fear does not lessen our faith. He always listens to our deepest yearnings without judgment and gives us grace for every season. Sometimes we go through seasons that are so out of this world and we think sharing with close friends may bring judgment. But isn’t it great to know a God who will never think any less of us!
“…But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”
(Psalms chapter 18, verse 24)
God knows exactly what we need
We all go through seasons of transition. Transition usually happens to a place that is different, and different can be uncomfortable. Every time we step out of our normal, we become vulnerable to so many unknowns. We are never sure what to expect because we’ve never been there. In such seasons having unwavering faith is key.
“…for your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!”
(Mathew chapter 6, verse 8)
As I continue walking with God I realize it’s a continuous journey of growth and evolving relationship with Him. I have never been more certain that He is ever present no matter how things may look in the natural and am assured that He will complete the work He started in my life.
“…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
(Philippians chapter 1, verse 6)
Miriam comes from a lovely close knit Christian family in Kenya, but now lives in South Australia and is surrounded by an amazing Christian community. She is an accountant by profession but enjoys taking part in community service, bowling, tennis, the beach and quality friendships.

Miriam comes from Kenya, but now lives in South Australia and is surrounded by an amazing Christian community. She enjoys deep conversations, music, tennis, bowling, occasional walks on the beach and quality friendships.