The first Christian computer games title will be released out of Australia in November 2005 by White Knight Games, introducing the highly anticipated title: 'Timothy and Titus: Saints, Martyrs, Heroes'. This groundbreaking new computer game will engage players with unique wholesome, family oriented perspective, an alternative to the secular games industry with negative content.
Timothy and Titus: Saints, Martyrs, Heroes is the first effort of Australian Christian computer games developer White Knight Games, based on Apostle Paul's disciples, Timothy and Titus, the game follows their adventures in a fictional tale of fun, mystery, and adventure as they spread the Gospel message across the lands of early Christianity.
Instead of the health and weapons points used in other role-playing games, players collect love, hope and faith points to power their missions.
"The central theme of the game is to reward those that utilize non-violent, Christian solutions to obstacles, even in the face of hate that so many early Christians faced as persecution," says Laurence Escalante, managing director of White Knight Games.
"Our motto of Christ first in Christian Gaming epitomizes our priorities in the titles we release. By incorporating Christian virtues and actions in Gameplay, by reinforcing Bible scripture, and encouraging players to learn from the lives of Saint Timothy and Saint Titus, we believe we are able to put Christ and His message at the core of the players’ experience. In this way, we hope to enrich those who play by reinforcing the core Christian paradigm in a fun, lighthearted way combined with great graphics and fast paced action to keep gamers of all ages entertained and engaged."
Churness, a Lutheran pastor, said, "Video games have surpassed movies as the medium most influential on children", adding that there's a need for positive messages that spread God's word.
"Computer graphics is the best storytelling tool in the world, and what better way to tell the greatest story ever told?"
As a non-negotiable company rule, White Knight Games aims to keep 'Christ First in Christian Games' true of their business activities too, pledging 10% of game profits to reduce poverty in the Philippines.
First impressions and detailed information of the game will be launched exclusively at this year's Christian Computer Game Developers conference held on July 28-30th in Portland, Oregon. The game will be available for pre-order in mid August 2005, with the release due in November 2005.