It's been said that the most dangerous place in the world is the womb. Since time began untold millions (probably billions) of human babies have been denied the right to see the light of day.
Mother Teresa said the "greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion...[for] Jesus said, if you receive a little child you receive Me. So every abortion is the denial of receiving Jesus."
Whether the tiny developing foetus is viewed as a 'human being with potential' or merely as 'a potential human being', abortion is defined as: the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy.
God alone knows the exact number of abortions that have been performed worldwide. His knowledge is: too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. (Psalm 139 verse 6). It is surely the case that this 'statistic of unwantedness' must break His heart.
Sophistication and enlightenment?
In our modern, sophisticated and enlightened (?) world, abortion is almost universally viewed as a legitimate form of birth control which simply and effectively eradicates after-the-event the biological consequence of a pleasurable (oftentimes carefree) physical experience.
Instead of sex being widely viewed as the most intimate act a man and woman can engage in together, to be reserved for God's intended purpose vis monogamous heterosexual life-long marriage, in many cases it seems to have little more significance than a handshake or peck on the cheek.
Because access to a safe abortion is now almost universally seen as a woman's basic human right, this attitude has destroyed the sanctity and significance of much human life such that it is disposable at will, and the issue of any right of the unborn child is completely disregarded.
So what is being aborted? 'It's only a blob of jelly anyway isn't it?'
The Divine Knitter
Our Creator doesn't think so. Regarding each of us (whether we believe it or not) it is stated that God: created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb...I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139 verses 13 & 14).
The abortion-justifying cry is: 'it's my body. I can do with it what I want. No politician, especially no man has the right to tell me what I can and can't do with my body'.
But is it her body to do with as she pleases?
As each of our body parts all share the same genetic code, if the unborn child were part of the mother's body its cells would have the same genetic code as the mother. But every cell of the unborn's body is genetically distinct from every cell of the mother's body.
Oftentimes, the blood type of the baby is different from that of the mother. One body cannot function with two different blood types.
Every male birth (including that of Jesus) involves a different sex to that of the mother.
It is possible for the mother to survive and the baby to die, and vice versa.
The law
If the mother is involved in a car accident and the child is subsequently born disabled, if wronged, the baby may have a legally enforceable right to sue for damages. So when does that legal right to sue arise?
It will be a strange, cruel and illogical outcome if the right to be born is dependent on a 'wait and see' basis regarding disablement by which time the baby is extant anyway.
Rather, the right must always be there but only be actionable after birth, which is a fundamentally different issue to the profound one of the legal right to be born in the first place, a 'right' billions of times denied in the breach.
The right to simply 'be'
If the unborn child is a human being, why isn't that human's basic right to simply 'be' staunchly observed and protected? This supposedly caring adult world should feel morally compelled to just 'let it be' rather than turn a blind eye to the savage outrage of the 'cut and suck' abortion mindset.
This tiny powerless human being with potential forcefully deserves to have its precious and (what should be) inalienable legal right to be born fiercely defended, unfortunately regardless of what the mother might think or desire.
By submitting to the procedure of abortion the mother (and abortionist) are deliberately exercising personal desire and fatal power in the 'womb battlefield' (whether deeply emotionally or coldly) to deprive the defenceless baby of its fundamental legal and moral right to life.
But termination of a pregnancy resulting from incest and/or rape (as opposed to woodenly requiring the devastated victim to proceed to birth) must be allowed to occur. For the sake of the innocent mother it must be seen as the lesser of two evils.
A virgin's womb
Jesus' earthly life was defined by two heavenly miracles: a virgin's womb and an empty tomb.
His heavenly Father gave instructions to society's assumed earthly father, to take the mother and miracle baby out of Israel until the murderous life-threatening situation had passed.
Like every precious baby, Jesus had a right to be born and our Creator ensured it happened as planned. The prophesy of Scripture was fulfilled and He lived, and still does today.
Nothing you can do can make Him love you more, and nothing that you've done can make Him close the door
The great thing about God is that a new start is available to all who seek it. One's slate is wiped clean and we can start again. Abortion is not an unforgivable sin and any ensuing guilt will be tenderly erased.
The only unforgivable sin is to resist the Spirit of God to the bitter end by rejecting Jesus and dying an unbeliever; whether simply indifferent to His call or hardened and defiant, but in both cases unrepentant and unforgiven.
Gavin Lawrie is a retired Barrister and Solicitor from Tweed Heads NSW and author of the book 'THE EVIDENCE OF EVOLUTION: Uncovering The Faulty Science Of Dawkins' Attack On Creationism." He is married to Jan with two adult children and they are grand parents.
Gavin Lawrie's previous articles may be viewed at