Not a truer word has been said, claims Well-Being Australia chairman Mark Tronson.
Scoff if you wish, Mark Tronson smiles, this, he says, is being fulfilled in our modern era. The Nazi's tried to wipe out Jewish peoples. The former USSR opposed Israel and persecuted its Jews, and before them…Even Britain was seen not to act in Israel's best interest prior to Israel's independence.
Still, today there is much international criticism of some of its policies and actions, even in the United Nations, and even by some Jewish people of the Diaspora.
There are numerous fascinating stories recounted about modern Israel's various wars. Israel's 18,000-person fighting force in 1948 overwhelmed seven powerful, trained and equipped Arab armies. In one instance, according to eye-witnesses, swarms of bees from Petah Tikva (whose name means "door of hope") attacked and Egyptians surrendered believing they were surrounded by a vast army. Sickness immobilized a combined Syrian and Lebanese force in Galilee.
The 1967 Six Day War saw Israel decimate five opposing armies. Although in 1973 Egypt and Syria struck suddenly in a co-ordinated attack on Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement – the holiest day of the Jewish calendar – when many were praying in synagogues), the Israelis still managed to mobilise their well-trained army quickly to triumph in the end, although outnumbered.
These Israeli wars have been liberally sprinkled with supernatural manifestations.
Regardless of our personal position on war, it will play a large part in Israel's future, according to the prophecy in Joel 3 verse 2; and Zechariah 14 verse 12.
No one today can deny they are witnesses of these things.
Moreover, in one future war, such will be its intensity that few from any of the nations will survive, but the "survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the Lord Almighty" (Zechariah 14 verse 16).
Finally, 'peace' will come to Jerusalem after The Messiah comes to reign in His city â€" the City of the Great King (Psalm 48 verse 2). Mark Tronson says that our prayer for this is Habakkuk 3 verse 2: "In judgment, He remembers mercy."
Yet we are unaware when all this will happen. Acts 1 verse 7 "It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority."
The New Testament urges every believer to be ready. Yes, ready for Salvation, yes, ready as witnesses to these events, and yes, ready for Jesus' Second Coming.
Mark Tronson says that Israel's rebirth was miraculous. He affirms the Bible is fully reliable, and it therefore follows that the expectant Christian rejoices in the expectancy of fulfillment of prophecy.
"My wife and I have lived by faith finance for 29 years," he explained, "And each morning we wake with expectancy, to see what the Lord will surprise us with on this new day."
This is the expectancy of prophecy, that the "not-yet" will come to pass.