The winter in Australia is not only the Aussie Rules, Rugby League, Rugby, Soccer, Netball and Hockey seasons, it's the season where one focuses on the future, the summer is coming.
The winter in effect is a period of optimism as it looks to the future and presents numerous possibilities and provides hope and expectation. This he believes also affects the nature of Christian ministry in Australia.
Moreover, July and August see an avalanche of Church Retreats, Denominational Conferences and Christian ministry congresses. These months are cooler and staying indoors becomes an option. A typical winter's day in Sydney or Brisbane is 18-20 degrees Celsius, so winter is a good time for annual communal activities in a warm, comfortable conference centre.
With Spring, the national sporting calendar changes abruptly. Firstly, winter ends with the national football finals series (Australian Rules – AFL and Rugby League – ARL). Secondly, the Summer sports start with the excitement of the thought of warm weather (which, soon enough, brings Christmas and summer holidays all at once). The national passion over summer is the Cricket season, but there are passionate followers of all sorts of sporting activities such as swimming, tennis and surfing.
Spring it seems to M V Tronson, is the period of change of a nation's spirit, and this is reflected in the economy, as at this time every year, beach-side ecenomies begin to rebuild. Statistics also show that it is a good season for car sales, as many families prepare for their annual summer holidays, which often involves a road trip, long distance travel to visit relatives or a favourite camping spot.
Australians see Spring as something akin to an elderly pet dog, who wakes in morning, slowly stretches, has one or two large wide yawns, before vigorously wagging its tail as its 'humans' inside the house begin to make breakfast noises.
Well-Being Australia over many years has witnessed this same affect in its various ministries throughout the Australian community.
The two Well-Being Australia respite facilities in the spring and summer months are considerably more utilised.
Churches will run their crusades in the Spring and Summer, when barbecues and outdoor fellowship activities can be enjoyed. The boating outings and fishing become commonplace. These outdoor community activities appear to not only open the hearts of people, but also to endorse a sense of well-being in church communities.
And always, as the days get longer, the spirit of Christmas shines and then New Year and the summer holidays are anticipated.